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Posts posted by Notend
On 7/19/2017 at 1:50 AM, 7twenty said:
Due to the lack of posts in the international section of the forum, all languages will be combined into one forum which can be used for any non-English language.
Posts can still be made here in any language. Due to the aforementioned lack of user posts and moderator languages, do not expect any support in a timely manner, or at all depending on the language.
Note that depending on future posts (or lack thereof) this section may be closed completely.
It is recommended that users post any issues in the English support section in English. If that is not possible, then your native language with a copy/paste of a Google translation.
If you have any issues with this change, please post below (in English).
The Maxthon Moderator team.The translator badly translates better to leave the original.
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Posted · Edited by Notend
Meta Tags and Search Engine Optimization: Friend or Foe?
Meta tags are tags html that provide information describing the content of the pages a user will be viewing. These tags are hidden from the viewer and only seen by browsers and search engine spiders. Meta tags can either be your greatest friend or, if you're not careful, your biggest foe. Why? If you create meta tags that do not accurately describe your content, you run the risk of poor search engine rankings and possibly getting banned from some search engines. Let's take a look at the various types of meta tags and how to create them for maximum search engine ranking.
• Title: This is considered to be the most important tag html used by many search engines as part of their ranking criteria. A page with a keyword in the title tag will rank higher than if the keyword was used in the body text alone. When a user views search results, the title tag will usually appear as the title of your Web page. Therefore, you will want to make sure your title accurately describes the content on the page so it doesn't get passed over as irrelevant to the user.
• Description: The description tag html is the next most important meta tag. As with the title, your description will typically be listed in the engines. You will have to tread the fine line between creating an effective description that will attract visitors yet still rank well in the search engines based on your select keywords.
• Keywords: When meta tags were a critical component of search engine optimization, many webmasters and web site owners thought they could beat the system by overloading their content with keywords, whether or not it related to the actual content on the page. Due to this abuse, search engines have reduced the importance of the keywords meta tag when ranking a Web page for keyword relevance. Many search engines have even decided to omit the keywords tag altogether from their ranking criteria. While it has reduced in significance, it is still an important meta tag to include in your Web pages -- if done correctly.
• Copyright: The copyright meta tag is not viewable in the search engine results or on your page. This tag highlights and documents the copyright status of a portion or all of a particular Web page. Although it won't necessarily prevent someone from taking your copy, it will notify those that are doing so in a legitimate manner that it infringes upon your conditions of use. Some search engine spiders will read this tag html, which may result in higher ranking.
• Robots: The robot tag is essentially a set of instructions for search engine spiders that crawl your page.
• Rating: The rating tag html defines your preferred access level. It can be a useful mechanism for search engine spiders to determine the level of access appropriate for the associated page. However this is more often used in restricted environments of a company Intranet rather than the wide-scope of the Internet.
For maximum search engine optimization write my essay 4 me, try focusing on just one or two keywords and include them in the title, description and keyword meta tags. Once you start adding more keywords, their relevance will be diluted resulting in a lower search engine ranking.
Remember, while meta tags aren't the most critical factor in search engine optimization, they are still important and need to be done correctly. In order to use meta tags effectively -- and to your advantage -- don't overload your meta tags with keywords. Otherwise, you run the risk of being penalized or even banned from the search engines.