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Posts posted by Trueman

  1. On 9/16/2024 at 11:48 AM, BugSir009 said:

    Hi Trueman, please try again with the latest version and let me know if you see the export button?

    I just updated to and I saw in the changelog that the export feature was added for the Passkeeper


    However, I still don't have the Export button in the Passkeeper, it's the same as on my previous screenshot, there's only the Sync button.

    Do I need to be logged into the Maxthon account to have the Export feature? Because I'm in guest mode.

  2. I'm planning to reinstall Windows, I don't want to lose my saved passwords in Maxthon (in Passkeeper), is there a way to backup the passwords so I can restore them when I install Maxthon again? Without the Maxthon account (I'm not logged in, as I understand I'm using the guest account).

    Maybe there's a file I can backup or the User Data folder or smth like that?