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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Customizable Skins for MX5! - If you like these "skins" click the button "I like"! Skin Alpha: Skin Macaw: Skin Mac: Skin Chrome: Skin Nitro: Downloads • All_Skins.7z • Background_Images.7z Important: Before making any changes. do not forget to make a backup of the "Start" folder and "UIHuge.dat, UIMain.dat" files located in ..\Bin\ All files must be decompressed in: Install Version: C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxthon5\Bin\ or C:\Program Files\Maxthon5\bin\ Portable Version : MaxthonPortable\Bin\
    1 point
  2. I think there's some confusion in what you're after. Here you're asking about extensions to open/edit forms? Are these different to standard PDF's? Here you're asking about opening PDF's only. Maxthon can natively open PDF's. It uses the same PDF viewer as Chrome. You can also edit/insert text into fields if the PDF supports it. Test file here: http://www.thewebjockeys.com/TheWebJockeys/Fillable_PDF_Sample_from_TheWebJockeys_vC5.pdf Again, can you link to the problematic file? It's hard to offer any sort of feedback when we don't know what it is that we are actually trying to resolve/look into.
    1 point
  3. yes i had noticed the link only shows up after a minute or so previously, but this time it was not showing at all, no matter how long i waited. strangely, the update link "replace file package" is back now, looks like it has been fixed now, thanks!
    1 point