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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2017 in all areas

  1. Customizable Skins for MX5! - If you like these "skins" click the button "I like"! Skin Alpha: Skin Macaw: Skin Mac: Skin Chrome: Skin Nitro: Downloads • All_Skins.7z • Background_Images.7z Important: Before making any changes. do not forget to make a backup of the "Start" folder and "UIHuge.dat, UIMain.dat" files located in ..\Bin\ All files must be decompressed in: Install Version: C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxthon5\Bin\ or C:\Program Files\Maxthon5\bin\ Portable Version : MaxthonPortable\Bin\
    1 point
  2. I like the two ideas above, not the "Nitro" one so much.. I hope your count reaches threshold when some of your skins are ready. Welcome back. BTW, pleasecheck your IM for an off-topic request. <<SL>>
    1 point