why not webcam extensions?

Onasis Kueto

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No.1MaxthonFan replied at 2014-2-8 03:59 back.gif

There are plenty of programs for recording screen video. loooping8 uses one that is excellent. Bui ...

I don't think the OP is looking for a screen recorder, but rather a way of capturing and saving directly from his cam. M4 already allows to use the cam directly in the browser, it would only(by "only" I mean that with M4 half the job is already possible, not that it would be easy) be a matter of saving the video.

I see how a screen recorder could be used but I think much is lost in regards to quality, depending on the codec.

Here's a demo, but only allows still images, http://davidwalsh.name/demo/camera.php

This is a tutorial and demo of video http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/getusermedia/intro/

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joemax replied at 2014-2-8 08:33 back.gif

I don't think the OP is looking for a screen recorder, but rather a way of capturing and saving di ...

Capturing and saving WHAT? If he wants to record a video, then just open his Webcam software. Access via the browser can be abused and can be a security issue.

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