Facebook Photo-Zoom


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Hello there! I just started to use maxthon browser and i was using yandex browser. there is an add-on called facebook photo-zoom and it is really an effective add-on. It works for to see the real size of photos without opening them in facebook. Sorry for my bad English btw. Is there any add-ons like that for maxthon? thanks for your help!

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No, there isn't any Photo Zoom for Facebook. But there are a couple of other extensions that almost do the same.

One is picViewer-en http://extension.maxthon.com/detail/index.php?view_id=1807&category_id=

And the other is imgViews http://extension.maxthon.cn/detail/index.php?view_id=1437

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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