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I've been using Click To Pocket (second link in Magg's post) for about six months now, on the whole it works very well. You have to open your Pocket homepage to view your saved pages, the sidebar button just adds bookmarks, but what it does it does well.

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This topic - alright.

This is mine extension:

People in comments just lament about this not working, also rating is very low. I use this exthension since I packed it, though. It is simple button deploying official Pocket's javascript bookmarklet code, nothing to not work here. Could you check out what is wrong with this situation, maybe someone wiser than me in extension things could check it for any bugs. But it works very fine for me, and I think it's really great in its simplicity.

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faktorio replied at 2013-8-26 03:57 back.gif

This topic - alright.

This is mine extension: ...

actually I've tested it a while ago - it gives an error message because the bookmarklet doesn't like working as a button.

Bookmarklet works finely as a favorite.

Just letting you know, because bookmarklets are weird. The same thing happens with LaterLoop - the bookmarklet works as a favorite, just not as a button. So it's not just your extension.

Works also finely as a menu....well back when Maxthon had supported it. Sadly, the only option now is either plain bookmarklet or button. The others work. So does mine, but only in Mx3 as it uses the menu function, even with the same bookmarklet code, among other sharing options though.javascript:(function(){var%20e=function(t,n,r,i,s){var%20o=;var%20i=i||0,u=0,n=n||+t}for(var%20f=0;f'+i+'&u='+encodeURIComponent(n)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent®;e=i=function(){};var%20o=t.getElementsByTagName('head')||t.documentElement;o.appendChild(s)})()or THIS:javascript:location.href=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+'&linkname='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)


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