Mathon turns itself off when I enter a character in the Mobile Search line

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My mobile phone is Samsung Galaxy S10 Model SM-G973F
Since 2 days my Maxthon mobile browser has been shutting down by itself. Maxthon application on Google Play installs the old version.
When I want to install Maxthon Browser V7.0.0.5000, it definitely does not install it. "It has been removed from the Play Store at Google's request," he says.
So I gave up on the version. The browser in the old version has been closing by itself since 2 days when I try to type something in the search line.
This didn't exist before. I tried all the search engines and no results. Maxthon closes every time. It has already disappeared from Google armada. It's very frustrating. I've been unable to use Maxthon. Search is not patching. I wonder if Maxthona should be allowed somewhere. It crashes again even though I gave all permissions.
I am waiting for your help. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Toros37 said:

My mobile phone is Samsung Galaxy S10 Model SM-G973F
Since 2 days my Maxthon mobile browser has been shutting down by itself. Maxthon application on Google Play installs the old version.
When I want to install Maxthon Browser V7.0.0.5000, it definitely does not install it. "It has been removed from the Play Store at Google's request," he says.
So I gave up on the version. The browser in the old version has been closing by itself since 2 days when I try to type something in the search line.
This didn't exist before. I tried all the search engines and no results. Maxthon closes every time. It has already disappeared from Google armada. It's very frustrating. I've been unable to use Maxthon. Search is not patching. I wonder if Maxthona should be allowed somewhere. It crashes again even though I gave all permissions.
I am waiting for your help. Thank you.

Hi Toros37, bug reported.

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I have the same problem last few days. Maxthon just closes itself randomly. But when I reopen it, it loads with the the page opened. I guess this might have something to do with the latest Android update. I use Huawei Mate 40 Pro and have MX7 verison7.0.1.1000 installed.

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BugSir009 Thanks for your interest. I agree with the friends who posted above Yes This problem does not exist in Android 11. When the Android 12 update came, Maxthon Android went nuts. It shuts itself down. I tried it in another Android 11 version. It worked normally. So the problem is Android 12.
Dear BugSir009, could you please forward this to the bug team?
I want it to be fixed as soon as possible and the version that works in Google Play to be installed.
I don't want to give up my Maxthon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been using Maxthon browser since Mx 3. I was very satisfied. But since 13 days it has disappointed me.
Hasn't had a problem so far. But since 13 days Maxthon Android started to shut itself down. The reason is most likely due to Android 12. Because Android 11 does not have this problem.
Thanks BugSir009 Interested. It has been registered. But nothing has changed since 13 days. No new version has been released.
I had to delete Maxthon Android and installed Opera instead. I am very happy with Opera. There are many cool features that Maxthon doesn't have.
I don't blame myself for doing this.

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On 4/14/2023 at 4:03 AM, BugSir009 said:

Hi @SirNasso @observer, noted on the crashing issue. I have already informed the development team about it.

Hello @BugSir009, do you have a timeline for when the fix will be delivered? Maxthon Android is now unfortunately completely useless on my Samsung S21 running Android 12 and I had to temporarily replace it with a different browser (Brave). Maxthon crashes every few seconds and cannot save any files. My recent attempt to reinstall it ended up with me being unable to log in to my account at all. Please fix this in a timely manner. Thank you in advance.

Nowadays, more and more users use their mobile devices for the majority of their web browsing experience. Giving more attention to your mobile product and releasing updates of Maxthon Android with increased frequency would therefore be much appreciated by your user base.

By the way, now that I'm forced to use a different mobile browser, I can see that your competition has implemented automatic blocking of cookie dialogs. Would that be a feature you would consider for Maxthon Android as well?

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I disagree with above posters - this does not seem to be limited to Android 12. I'm running Android 11 and ever since Maxthon update to v7 ( it's been randomly turning itself off. Strange thing is that after it shuts down 3-4 times, then I can use it with no issues until I put the phone away for at least a few hours.

I tried removing data+cache, but that doesn't seem to have made a difference - it crashes even on start page. Moreover, I am no longer able to log into my account on Android version - keeps spinning, but eventually shows "Login Failed". Password's definitely correct - trying a wrong password shows "Incorrect password" error immediately. It tries to log in for exactly 30 seconds before failing so maybe some kind of timeout? Maybe something to do with the amount of data on the account (I have quite a few favourites and passwords, but it shouldn't take 30+sec to download)

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I have all the issues Artee and Phoenix-76 said. I'm on Android 11 (Motorola Moto G 5G) and I can't login any more. It also crashes randomly somentimes 2-3 times in a row for apparently no reason, sometimes even if I'm just reading without touching the phone.  

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On 4/25/2023 at 4:50 AM, BugSir009 said:

Hi @Toros37 @phoenix-76 @Artee @Mikefon @SnipER.UA, I have feedback to the development team and to the management about this crashing issue and they will look into it as soon as possible. Please allow some time for them to fix the issue and I will update here again once they have managed to resolve it.

The most annoying thing is the login problem though. I can tolerate some random crashes (at least at the ratio they occur to me), but losing all favorites and passwords on mobile is much worse. 

Thanks a lot for all the efforts in any case :)

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38 minutes ago, BugSir009 said:

Hi @Toros37 @phoenix-76 @Artee @Mikefon @SnipER.UA @SirNasso @observer, could you try out this test version and see if crashes still occurs?


maxthon_7.0.1.2000.apk 15.12 MB · 6 downloads

I've tried: no changes, cannot login, crashes very fast, even on empty page.

I can install some debug version and collect and send you logs if this helps. My phone has no root.

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4 minutes ago, SnipER.UA said:

I've tried: no changes, cannot login, crashes very fast, even on empty page.

I can install some debug version and collect and send you logs if this helps. My phone has no root.

Hi SnipER.UA, yes kindly send in the logs so I could forward to the development team. Thank you.

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3 hours ago, BugSir009 said:

Hi SnipER.UA, or could you send in a video to show the login issue and crashes? 

Well, video is not needed when it is just 2 frames ) Frame 1: browser with some page opened. Frame 2: home screen, no browser ))

On re-launch, last page is being opened.

As for the login: it is doing something for ~30 seconds, then it says with red font "Login failed".
Note, that when entering wrong password, it immediately says "Wrong password". Also, Windows version logins just fine.

Please get info from devs, where logs reside, so I could fetch them and also feel free to send me some other debug version with additional logging, or to send you crashdumps.

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It seems a bit worse for me either. Crashes are back (even if less frequent than the official release). Still not be able to login. I noticed that crashes occur more frequently when I'm scrolling the page and keep the finger on the screen (though sometimes they just happen for no apparent reason). 

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2 hours ago, BugSir009 said:

For me it's a bit strange, though it might be just random.

1. No crashes for ~15 of browsing different sites.

2. Tried to login (failed).

3. Tried to change several settings and it crashed on settings screen.

4. Now crashes (everywhere) are back.

BTW, previous version without crashes that I tried is Cannot login there too, so it have to be some server changes.

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I found a way to make maxthon log me in 

but unfortunately it doesn't sync

I tried updating it with mx_five_pre_m6_mx6_688669f_14960_7.0.1.2000_log_202304271525.apk
then put my mail and password though it failed and ofcourse crashed

I reopened it then I switched maxthon to desktop view

and all of a sudden my user was logged in

none the less it didn't sync

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