Non-Windows compatibility

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Given the current status with Windows systems and the path Microsoft is taking, I believe that by the time Win10 is replaced fully with Win11, me and others will be off Windows OS completely. Even now I'm using a somewhat "crippled" Win10 with many horrible "features" removed (Like Cortana).

I've been looking as things like Pop!_os and similar Linux distributions which do the work well. Is there going to be a Maxthon version compatible with Linux?

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On 12/12/2021 at 3:27 AM, TheWhitestOfFangs said:


Given the current status with Windows systems and the path Microsoft is taking, I believe that by the time Win10 is replaced fully with Win11, me and others will be off Windows OS completely. Even now I'm using a somewhat "crippled" Win10 with many horrible "features" removed (Like Cortana).

I've been looking as things like POP!OS and similar Linux distributions which do the work well. Is there going to be a Maxthon version compatible with Linux?

Hi TheWhitestOfFangs, currently there are no plans to come up with a version that is compatible with Linux. We will record down your request for the team's future consideration :)

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On 12/11/2021 at 1:27 PM, TheWhitestOfFangs said:

Given the current status with Windows systems and the path Microsoft is taking, I believe that by the time Win10 is replaced fully with Win11, me and others will be off Windows OS completely. Even now I'm using a somewhat "crippled" Win10 with many horrible "features" removed (Like Cortana).

I've been on Windows 11 as a Windows Insider for quite a while now and I have not encountered any problems with Maxthon. I see other users on various iterations of Windows with all kinds of problems and I just don't have any, so, in my opinion, maybe those with problems need to take a long hard look at what they may have added/changed/deleted that could be influencing the browser.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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On 12/13/2021 at 10:07 PM, No.1MaxthonFan said:

I've been on Windows 11 as a Windows Insider for quite a while now and I have not encountered any problems with Maxthon. I see other users on various iterations of Windows with all kinds of problems and I just don't have any, so, in my opinion, maybe those with problems need to take a long hard look at what they may have added/changed/deleted that could be influencing the browser.

My issues are not with Maxthon compatibility or such, it's with Windows itself.

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