AdHunter exception


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yes, yes it is. just forgot about that, ironic since I have them littered throughout ALL of my rules. be right back, adding this to my guide.

I forget WAY TOO easily, this stuff. At least, recently, anyway.

HOWEVER, keep in mind, if you block a css rule that controls the element you're whitelisting, it WON'T keep it UNblocked, in most cases.

Also keep in mind, the asterisk is simply a variable - it will make it so EVERYTHING is unblocked, thus NO global rules, essentially, which may or may not override certain site-specific rules per element. That is, if you are putting it on the global rules. On the other hand, if you put it on a specific site's rules, it will STILL UNblock most things or everything you have custom-blocked on THAT site, because you're NOT ONLY whitelisting the global rules; you're ALSO whitelisting the WHOLE site, despite the fact adhunter is TECHNICALLY ENabled. Subscribed rules may or may not be affected, I haven't tested yet, because, as I am saying this, it is ALL from MEMORY of past experiences.


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