MX6 PC Beta Release


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Thanks for "Last session page back to Maxthon 5 logic (remember the last session)"

but it has bug.

I have the following setting:


and when I click "Open All" my pages would be opened vice versa.

Also "Earlier session" is always empty.


Win7 x64, Maxthon portable x64

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Same as all recent versions: didn't auto-update (you don't need to 'push' updates as there's no reason why Maxthon can't check & download if 'I' can), no program icon for Maxthon in download list, user icon for most downloads & had to refresh quick launch else only showed default - nothing fixed

checking the current user agent (mx://version), it says Chrome: 89.0.4389.90... the current version of Chromium is 98.0.4711.0... are you really that far behind!?

I also note the flag "--no-sandbox"... so you purposefully disable sandboxing!? Why?


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45 minutes ago, suphamster said:

When I open (click on) some item from Last session it becames disabled from the list. In MX5 was possible to enable it again by pressing to the cross at the left of the link. Can you please make it the same?

Hi suphamster, coudl you provide me a video or a screenshot of this function?

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12 hours ago, JoeRee1968 said:

A shortcut to a site created on the Desktop does not open this site. It turned out that in the properties of the shortcut, instead of maxthon.exe there is chrome_proxy.exe ...

Hi JoeRee1968, may I know which website did you save as a shortcut so we could do some testing on our end?

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8 hours ago, suphamster said:

Is User Agent changing is planning to add in MX6 settings since some sites says that I'm using outdated browser? I know about this topic 

 but I'd better use official solution...

Hi suphamster, we have noted down your request. May I also know at which websites did you encounter the prompting of outdated browser?

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21 hours ago, BugSir006 said:

Because Maxthon supports the IE mode.

So, IE mode can't be sandboxed?

If that's so, could this switch not be dynamic & change based on engine (i.e. off for IE & on for Chromium)?

As it currently is, it reduces security/protection & that's really not desirable!

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Still getting duplicates listed in download manager, but today it was able to remove the whole list - this is the first time that's ever happened (i.e. when duplicates were present, they weren't previously removed upon clearing list).

The download manager issues (there's LOTS of them!) are the main reason we still can't install Maxthon 6 onto customer's computers... It's been out for about 1 year now & it's still not good enough!  Never had any issues at all with Maxthon 5, so Maxthon 6 still has a long way to go before it's 'ready'.

The auto-update not working should be a quick & easy fix - If I can manually download it, then Maxthon could check & do the same.

The biggest security issue is using ridiculously out-of-date components & not releasing a new version of Mx6, with latest versions of everything, straight after a new version of Chromium comes out... ALL other major Chromium browsers (e.g. Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc) do, so why not Maxthon!?

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On 11/17/2021 at 3:20 PM, JoeRee1968 said:

A shortcut to a site created on the Desktop does not open this site. It turned out that in the properties of the shortcut, instead of maxthon.exe there is chrome_proxy.exe ...

I was making a shortcut to the desktop of Maxthon's website and the one you linked to. Both pages open without any problems, although there is an entry in the properties "chrome_proxy.exe"

Check if you have the file "chrome_proxy.exe" in the Maxthon root directory ... anyway you can reinstall Maxthon

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19 hours ago, MichaelC362 said:

Still getting duplicates listed in download manager, but today it was able to remove the whole list - this is the first time that's ever happened (i.e. when duplicates were present, they weren't previously removed upon clearing list).

The download manager issues (there's LOTS of them!) are the main reason we still can't install Maxthon 6 onto customer's computers... It's been out for about 1 year now & it's still not good enough!  Never had any issues at all with Maxthon 5, so Maxthon 6 still has a long way to go before it's 'ready'.

Hi MichaelC362, could you send the log files to me?

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On 11/19/2021 at 10:42 PM, MichaelC362 said:

Here's the logs... but they didn't help before!

It's just a caching issue, so that's where you need to be looking in the code

Log Files.7z 54.91 kB · 0 downloads

Thank you for your information! I have forwarded the file to the dev team for analysis. ?

It would be appreciated if you could provide us a video of this issue. 

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