Message at startup: "There are problems with your account. Please login again."


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On 4/30/2021 at 11:44 PM, XandrAS said:

At startup, the message "There were problems with your account. Please login again". The repeated input does not find errors, but after a while everything repeats. The account has a Basic profile without an avatar.
What's the matter?

Hi there, could you provide me a screenshot of this issue?

Did you change the password of the browser account? You can try to log out the browser account, delete this login record of this browser account and login again. You needn't delete the local data.

back button.jpgdelete.jpg

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When I log back in after the message, nothing changes. But after a while this message is repeated again.
However, you suggest: "... delete this account of this browser account and log back in." - does it mean to log in as another user, already under a DIFFERENT account? Then I will lose all my old data !?
Today I deliberately tried to re-enter, but it turned out the third time: 1. Unsuccessful. The system is busy. 2. Unsuccessful. No connection (??? - it was!). 3. Ok.

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17.05.2021 в 14:19 BugSir006 сказал:

Привет, извините за неудобства. Не могли бы вы сообщить мне uid вашей учетной записи в браузере? Чтобы проверить uid, вы можете войти на

Не могли бы вы войти в свою учетную запись браузера в последней версии браузера Maxthon 6?

Привет, BugSir006.
Мой UID: 32666281
Я бы не хотел привязывать свою учетную запись к новой версии браузера (она мне не подходит по интерфейсу), чтобы избежать возможных ошибок.

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22 hours ago, XandrAS said:

Привет, BugSir006.
Мой UID: 32666281
Я бы не хотел привязывать свою учетную запись к новой версии браузера (она мне не подходит по интерфейсу), чтобы избежать возможных ошибок.

Hi XandrAS, this issue has been fixed. Please try to log in again. ?

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