Vpn functionality

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Hi All 

Great site & Browser , .....

but had a query on vpn availability.

some browsers in the market  have a built-in vpn functionality ....but I dont think it's a built-in feature in Maxton ?

Is this feature already there  ?  or ...would it be a part & parcel of any nearby future release of M ?

Thanks for any Information here.

Regards ...& a Good  day.

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4 hours ago, radscorpion said:

some browsers in the market  have a built-in vpn functionality ....

VPN embedded in the browser does not protect your privacy too much. Server maintenance costs, so .... think. The best protection is a paid VPN installed on the router.

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Hi Galileusz

Thanks for the Info firstly.

Yes, I do have a Paid VPN subscription , but I have noticed there is a 'speed' issue when I connect through the paid vpn and then approach sites 

compared to when I approach the same sites via an In-built vpn embedded into the browser.

Yes, you are also correct about the , : < browser does not protect your privacy too much >

In fact No vpn is trace free (paid or unpaid) , if  'they ' want to know the origin it will always boil down to the physical router and from there it's a matter of minutes , hrs. or weeks ( depending on the crime committed ...... heh heh )

anyway, I hust thought , it may be a good idea that Maxthon can also incorporate an in-built vpn for the future releases       ....    ...will make it a Formidable  browser indeed. !

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No, I have not used the proxy ever. 

But I shall try and see if that would help.

actually the 'speed' issue I mentioned is not that much at all, there is a wee bit lag if I really compare and is very much inside the acceptable range.

we can close this issue here , and if required I can continue from here once I have used up the Proxy tip shown.

Thanks all.


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proxy change will not help, speed is related to VPN providers, servers, protocols; encryption and server location 

it’s natural to take a small hit to your internet speed when using a VPN. If your speed is significantly impacted, try some tips available on the web

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