Cloud Data Sync Issue

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Dear BugSir006

Hope you are doing well.

I have face with cloud data sync issue. last time on 2019-01-08 I have unistalled maxthon from my PC and also I have removed local data. but today on 2019-01-14 when I installed maxthon again some of my data like Favorites and Notes don't synced. I am not quite sure all of other data like Magic Fill and Quick Access are correct synced.

Is it possible to revert my backup data to last session (2019-01-08)? and can I have access to my cloud data without logining to Maxthon app?

my email address is:

Thank you.

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You can log on site to check all your online data, using any browser. And the data on site are the ones that could be synced to maxthon. If the data are not on, they can not be synced.

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18 hours ago, Satelster said:

Yea It does prompt "Sync Failed"

but when I have tried again, it synced some of my bookmarks, but not all of them, and then it showing again "Sync Failed" and sync did not complete.

Please launch the Fiddler to check it. If the URL "" has the "403" or other red error code, please click it then check the "Inspectors">"JSON", send the screenshot to me. 


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