Google Earth


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I'm not able to get Google Earth to display on M5.1.1.1000 in either ultra or retro mode despite being able to use it on Chrome, although not IE.

According to Google, chrome is required to run Google Earth. What ever happened to Google open code policy?

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On 31/08/2017 at 9:19 PM, PHYR said:

Google is sabotaging the net...

Don't know about that. Had it not been for Google much of what we have probably wouldn't have happened, and you'd still be stuck using IE6.

Them always updating blink is a good thing, and i don't think you can blame them for ensuring their sites only work with the latest version. It's up to Maxthon to ensure they keep their core as up to date as possible. That's just one of the issues with using a browser like MX.

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5 hours ago, PHYR said:

At least with IE6 you could visit everything on the net.

Yeah, because they had the biggest market share and if you didn't deal with the niggles that IE had, you had a broken site - even if the code you created wasn't standard.

Now, for better or worse, Chrome/Blink is the standard web layout engine. As before, you code to that (and at least now things are more standardised). The problem is that Google is the owner of the many of the most used sites on the net, and the co-creator of Blink, so they're in a unique position to be able to force usage in such a way.

Interestingly, Opera using blink60 doesn't work either, which as far as i can tell is the latest version. Could be that they're blocking all but Chrome browsers?

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