Problems with MEGA website

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MX5 has some problems with dialog windows on the sharing site

As with many bugs I discover, this one as well takes some work to replicate correctly, but I think this is how:

1. Create a MEGA account if you don't have it yet (it's free)
2. Click on the "File Upload" button at the top right and select a file or two to upload.
3. When upload is done, right-click on one of the uploaded files and select "Get link".

The dialog window that appears should be malformed, like in attached image. The "Copy" button also does not work and if you click on it, the link will NOT be copied to the clipboard. If you refresh the page and try again ("Update link"), then the window will be correctly displayed. But you can again replicate the problem by right-clicking on the file, selecting "Remove link" and then again right-click "Get link".

I do not have these problems with MX4.9.


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