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1. Two last Betas and this "release" has the same bug: mp4/flv/html5 clips on some sites not appears (black squares instead or clear page)

2. Still no skins/interface settings (annoying blue flat frame)

3. No Translations set (and Language select settings not highlight)

One and only solution - back to MX 5.02.1000


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5 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

3. No Translations set (and Language select settings not highlight)

Do you talk about localization? MX has not so many translators now. That's why not so many localizations are done today.

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7 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

mp4/flv/html5 clips on some sites not appears

Which sites?

7 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

Still no skins/interface settings (annoying blue flat frame)

Apparently coming...

7 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

No Translations set (and Language select settings not highlight)

Which language?


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5 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

* Which sites? You're serious? Need complete list? JUST BELIEVE ME.


How can we help if we don't know where the issue is ? there may be several reasons (extension, setting, bug..).  if you give us a site that does not work, we may try it and see if it's working for us or not, and then try to understand why it's not working.


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10 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

Which sites? You're serious? Need complete list? JUST BELIEVE ME


5 hours ago, -ody- said:

How can we help if we don't know where the issue is ? there may be several reasons (extension, setting, bug..).  if you give us a site that does not work, we may try it and see if it's working for us or not, and then try to understand why it's not working.

Thank you for that reply... a little more eloquent than what I was going to write :p 

10 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

Just give me SDK

Sign up to Crowdin and update the current ukrainian language file

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4 hours ago, ElectroSelf said:

Sites/extensions/codecs DOESN'T MATTER! Because MX works on the same sites correctly.

Why are you being so difficult? This needs to be confirmed by the dev's for them to look at this alleged issue. Without knowing what site they can't do that... therefore no fix.

Provide a link to just ONE site/video that is displaying this problem. Someone else can test and confirm. If it doesn't work, then you're right and you can pat yourself on the back. If not then you need to look at what's going on with your install.

Send a PM if you don't want it public...

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I say again, I have roll-back to And I haven't logged history. All I can tell, it was IT-presentation blogs which used html5 & mp4 site players and a couple sites with screen captured videos. And I'm not ready to try again just for experiments, at least until next release. Besides it must be just one idea - WHY this happens? Or probably solution: install standalone flash player... do not use youtube center addon... or something else. The key is: works, bugs.

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