Maxnote not searching in urls?


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I have a bookmark somewhere that dictates Youtube sorts my lists as grids.

The url has "flow=grid" in it. Searching Maxnote for this reference, it does not come up.

I created test bookmarks to confirm.

Please make Maxnote also search the actual url for these types of situations.



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I'm using portable versions. Mx 5.01.3 and Beta.

This beta does not search inside the url (href) either.

Perhaps it just happens in the portable versions?


BTW: I was getting ready to ditch Maxthon, until 5 came out...Enjoying 5 very much. Stable, portable, all the good stuff.





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It came out just yesterday, I see. So no, I had not tried it.
But I have now!

I can confirm that this is fixed.

Super! Thanks.

Interesting to note that this has changed since the recent version.
Might this thread have something to do with that? Maybe not, but still. ;-)

While I'm here...
The QuickAccess image with the purple ocean remains blank.
Is that on my end and if so, what can I do about it? (I only use 'guest' account)
Perhaps that needs a separate thread....

Thanks again for the fix!

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