Judges Wanted for 2016 Maxthon Extension Hackathon


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Judges Wanted for 2016 Maxthon Extension Hackathon


Have you ever wanted to make yourself an extension to facilitate the inbuilt functions?

Have you ever wanted to add a new function to your browser?

Those moments must have shed some light on you about how to improve the user experience.

They must have kindled the fire in your heart to make an ideal extension.

Thus, as an ambitious developer and a perfectionist,

you are so welcome to join the cause with us to make browsing a pleasant and efficient thing.


Maxthon is holding the 2016 Maxthon Extension Hackathon soon.

And we make this event because we want to inject fun, comfort, and ease to browsing again, in Maxthon.

We are now looking for three judges for this competition.

Judges should be influencers in this industry

or interested in changing people's browsing experience by using creative extensions. 

Judging period is scheduled in the week after participators' submission deadline.

Please contact us with a cover letter if you and your friends are interested!:wink:

Our email address: market@maxthon.com

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  • BugSir006 unpinned and pinned this topic

I think many third-party developers want to ask how do they can take part in  Hackathon? Can they use old extensions (which have been uploaded in Extensions Center already) or this is for new extensions only?
I'm not sure that you have so many thrid-party developers to hold this contest for new extensions only. But if they can use old extensions, ViolentMonkey and Stylish (as must-have mxaddon) will win.

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