Where is Tahoma?!

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On 27/10/2016 at 4:57 PM, einherz said:

must be different tahoma(regular) exist, in my case i have "Tahoma" and "TahomaBOLD" i use standart english version of win7 x64, may be in your case your tahoma visible only for mx4

win10 x64 french : only tahoma is visible, tahoma bold is not present :arf:



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Hahaha, -ody, inteesting. :)

I have 2 fonts installed Tahoma and Tahoma Bold. If I delete Tahoma Bold maybe... just maybe I get Tahoma in Maxthon 5. Hmmm, it's impossible to delete it because it's integral part of OS, I think. Anyway, I'm fine with default font, It was just weird why Tahoma regular not present at my MX5. :) 

As I said Tahoma is present at Maxthon 4. 

Edit: woohoo, for some reason Tahoma is back and Tahoma Bold is out. I don't know how, maybe latest version. Now I can't remmber if I started this thread before I installed latest version. Anyway now is OK. :D

Have a great day all who made reply to this thread. :)


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46 minutes ago, Xahi4475 said:

Edit: woohoo, for some reason Tahoma is back and Tahoma Bold is out. I don't know how, maybe latest version. Now I can't remmber if I started this thread before I installed latest version. Anyway now is OK. :D

Have a great day all who made reply to this thread. :)


POP (power of posting) again... :D


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