- The browser you are currently using (chrome v47) is not supported.


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by trying to open https://app.fullcontact.com/ I get the following error:

Please upgrade your browser

The browser you are currently using (chrome v47) is not supported.

FullContact supports the following browser versions:

  • Chrome (version 51 or newer)
  • Firefox (version 28 or newer)
  • Safari (version 9 or newer)
  • Edge (version 13 or newer)
  • Opera (version 12 or newer)

I can access the site if I modify the chrome version in the user string.

Can you maybe update the standard maxthon user string?




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5 hours ago, tblu said:

I can access the site if I modify the chrome version in the user string.

It's best that you do it for your own version only. Spoofing the UA while might not be a huge issue, it's probably better that for most users it's set to the actual version. 

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That's true. I guess it's relative. Obviously it's still not something they're willing to do at every new blink version update.

No matter what happens MX is never going to be on the cutting edge, and because of this there will always be issues like this with some sites.

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On 10/20/2016 at 10:25 PM, tblu said:

I can access the site if I modify the chrome version in the user string.

Can you maybe update the standard maxthon user string?

Hi tblu,

Thanks for the feedback and sorry for the inconvenience caused.

I'll forwad the site url to our product manager and let them push the new UA.

Once the process is done, I'll let you know.

Thanks again for posting here. :1f62c:

On 10/20/2016 at 10:25 PM, tblu said:

I modify the chrome version in the user string.

Could you also please tell me how did you modify it?

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@BugSir006  On this page you can check the User Agent String. http://www.useragentstring.com/index.php

And it turns out that Maxthon has problems with chrome.




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Hi tblu, our developer has checked the site. After log in, it's a chrome extension download page. However, currently Maxthon does not support chrome extensions. So I'm afraid this issue cannot to solved currently, even if we upgrade Maxthon core. Really sorry for the inconvenience. 

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