Missing Ad-Block migration

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I wanted to comment on the one things that I found lacking in the transfer to MX5:

The Ad-Block rules and lists were not imported like the rest of the data (i.e. bookmarks),
Since Ad-Block is an integrated component of MX5, it only makes sense that it does migrate.

I have circumvented this by taking the ad-block userdata from MX4 to MX5 manually, however this should be done automatically.
Also, I suggest creating a backup function which generates a single backup file which holds and individual's data (bookmarks, ad-block rules, MX settings etc') such that all the personalization is easily migrated and backed-up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi TheWhitestOfFang, thanks for your feedback and suggestion. 

On 9/30/2016 at 2:57 PM, TheWhitestOfFangs said:

Since Ad-Block is an integrated component of MX5, it only makes sense that it does migrate.

It's truly reasonable, and I'll forward it to our corresponding staff. Thanks again :D

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