Invoke new maxthon window from javascript (within an extension)?


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Playing around with some stuff. Trying to figure out if you can open a new Maxthon window (not a tab) using javascript.

There is a keyboard shortcut that does it, but you can't send keys from javascript to my knowledge.

There is the "" command that the skin system uses, but as part of an extension or HTML file within it it's not a valid command.

Then there's:

mx.browser.invokeCommand( command [, param] )

                To invoke a browser command.

                                command            Command name, please refer to skin document for the name list. String.
param                   Command parameter(s). Object. This parameter is NOT supported yet.

This seems like it does what I want it to do, but i keep getting a "win is not defined" error? How can I define something that isn't defineable, because it's supposed to be invoked by the invokeCommand API?

Does this even work?

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