[WinPC Confirmed] Maxthon 4.9.2.x cannot maximized properly

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1. I have connected a 24 inch external monitor to my notebook and so i  have two displays (built-in and extended). Maxthon cant seem to display properly on my 2nd display (24 inch monitor). When maximized it, it is either "just maximized and freezed on my 2nd display" or "disappeared". There is not problem when i do the same to other application,eg MS word, notepad, etc. on 2nd display.

2. With only one monitor (no external monitor connected), when maxthon is in maximized screen, some time when i press maximize button, it may disappeared instead of restore un-maximized window. Once it is happened, I will not able to see the maxthon windows and i have to restart maxthon. I have to manually set my un-maxmized windows for the maxthon before I can works again (passing maximized button to get the un-maximized window).

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hi. I installed the Both problems still exist.

Pls note the first problem (external monitor) is repeatable. pls check.

The 2nd problem, you need to first set your normal Maxthon window (not maximized) to minimized. Close and re-launch Maxthon. you will see a maximized Maxthon window. If you click maximize button, Maxthon will minimized and you will not able to open Maxthon again. 

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not sure if this is related, but the bug with "auto hidding windows taskbar" is back when maxthon is maximized and downloader is in use, as soon as you shut off the downloader, the windows task bar is back.


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2016/4/17 上午5:45:58, Steven said:

Hi, i have installed the latest  final. Both problems still exist.  I can live with 2nd problem, but pls solve the 1st problem (2nd monitor).

Hi, Steven. We can't duplicate it. Does it also happen on other browser?

Could you give me some information about your display hardware? 

please right click "This PC" - Properties - give me a screenshot.

and you can see a "Device Manager" on the left - click it - find display adapter and give me a screenshot.

Thanks and looking forward to your response.

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Hi, all, thanks for your replies and actions. I will only focus on the 1st problem for extended monitor connected (i somehow think 2nd problem is related) 

1. I have done clean installatioin of final (plus removing any Maxthon entry in registry), still the same problem.

2. I have tried Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox on my extended screen and there is no problem when i do maximize/restore them repeatedly. Once i run Maxthon on my extended screen, it will disappear when i click maxmize/restore button and i will not able to use Maxthon. I will need to remove my extended screen setting to reset Maxthon display.

3. There is another old (but not too old)  topic which is related to this on 4.9 beta. (sorry if i didnt discovered this thread previously)

4. Attached some screen shorts as per request. 




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I have encountered a bug in 4.9.2.  It was also there in 4.9.1.  I am using the portable version on Windows 7 on a multi-monitor system.  On initial opening, the window is maximized.  I un-maximize it, and size it and then close the browser.  I can open and close it 4 or 5 times and it remembers the window position.  But then it suddenly always opens up maximized.  Even after un-maximizing it and resizing the window, after it is closed and opened again, it always opens maximized.

If I delete the MaxthonPortable\AppData\Public\LastData\lastdata.ini, it's as if I have a fresh install.  After resizing and moving the window and closing Maxthon, the contents of that file are:


But after awhile it opens maximized, and then the "max" key gets reset to "true".  Even after resetting this back to "false", Maxthon still opens maximized.  It always opens maximized until you delete the lastdata.ini file, open the browser as if for the first time and resize the window.  Again, this works a few times, and then always opens maxmized.

Please let me know if there is any further information I can provide to help.

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Further experimentation leads me to believe that the problem lies in the negative numbers ifor window position n the lastdata.ini.  As long as I keep the browser on my primary monitor, there are no problems.  It's only once the lastdata.ini file is created and then changed so that any of the [window_pos] values is negative that the "max=false" option is ignored and reset to true.

My solution so far is to set the lastdata.ini file to be read-only so that it always opens on my primary monitor, and it never remembers the window position.

I also apologize, as I realized too late that this is similar to another post:


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I just created a new post, before I read this one (mia culpa).  


I have similar problems with the browser always opening maximized after I move it to my secondary monitor.  I suspect it is related to the fact that the window_pos values in AppData\Public\LastData\lastdata.ini are negative after moving the window to my secondary monitor.  After that, the max=false value is ignored and the browser always opens maximized.  

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Hi, Phyr, thanks,  just to confirm whether you have tried the maximize/restore button. I also have no problem if i "reboot" (close and open) M4.9.2.1000 many time on my 2nd monior with size and position remember. But once i click maximize/restore, the maxthon will disappear and not usable. Btw, my system is on win7. 

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Have you used more than 2 monitors previously? Do you sometimes connect your monitor to a different port? I imagine if you've just connected or disconnected a monitor and haven't used Maxthon since, this might happen. Oh, and it is a windows problem, nothing to do with Maxthon. This can happen to any app.

Since your window has moved off screen, you need to move it back. Right click on preview pane > Move. Now use your arrow keys to move it back into view. Right or left until you can move it physically.

BTW, I'm unable to make Maxthon "forget" where or at what size the window was placed regardless of how often I restore or maximize.


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Hi, Phyr (BugMiss), thanks

1. I used only 2 monitors ( built-in and external monitor)...not more than 2 monitors as you said. I started to use the dual monitor about few month ago as i needed more display space. 
2. I am using a docking station where the external monitor is permanmently connected. 
3. I am mainly to solve the problem...not pointing the problem is from maxthon alone. Agree with you that it may be other apps. I only hv confirmed Chrome/Firefox/IE are OK. 
4. I am not using Win7 Aero option, so my preview is not enable. i'll using the workaround below.

For workaround (thanks to MaxPower, but not really a solution), i am using a good copy of "lastdata.ini". A batch file is written to overwrite lastdata.ini (with a good copy) when maxthon become unusable on my extended screen. 

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Hi, can i check anyone is able to duplicate my 2nd problem (mentioned at begining of the topic, without any external monitor connected)? it looks simliar to what MaxPower had experience. Let me discribe with some detail using the lastdata.ini file content.

1. With maxthon in normal window (not-maximized) and after we close (close button) maxthon, we have the following lastdata.ini content


2. Next, open (run) maxthon.....and of course we know the maxthon will open in normal window mode
3. Then, Minimize maxthon to taskbar using the minimize button.
4. After that, Close maxthon in the taskbar (pls see below screen shot for this step)

5. Open lastdata.ini and i can see content of lastdata.ini has -ve value.


6. When i open the maxthon, it will be in maximized mode (donno why). and if i click maximize button, it will minimium to taskbar and i will not able to restore maxthon window again.


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I don't know it it's necessary related, but when Maxthon Portable is maximized it gets always in front of all, I meant even in front of my auto-hide taskbar (I have a smaller monitor), which I cannot access anymore lowering the mouse, but only with some manoeuvers with the keyboard, which is very frustrating. Reproduced on two PCs. Thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm having external monitor problems as well. I'm using an external touchscreen monitor on a tablet running Win 7 Pro 32 bit. and Maxthon ver. 9.3.200. Maxthon keeps minimizing/crashing on its own. I can usually bring it back without losing the website or even my forum post in progress. No problems with the tablet display(which is turned off while using the external display).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, can i check the expected Maxthon releasees (current latest is that address these confirmed bugs (eg. maximizing in multi- or single monitor)?

If it take longer time to solve, any temperally workaround since Maxthon guy cannot duplicate initially (eg. any maxthon or PC set up that they dont experience these bugs initially)?


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Hello, Steven. So sorry for this inconvenience. I will ask the fixing progress and test it for you in internal test version of MX5.

But, we will set up "General Discussion" Part as "read only" soon (at the end of May). This problem need more information to confirm and test process needs time.

For convenience of feedback and solving problem, it would better to create problem in new "Bug Tracker" Part: http://forum.maxthon.com/index.php?/bug-tracker/

For details, please look at here: http://forum.maxthon.com/index.php?/announcement/7-upgrading-for-general-discussion-section/

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Hi, Miss Bug, I hope my problems are not going to address in MX5....beco i think it is a unknown schedule and there are so many to fix/add (bugs/features) for MX5. :)

Hopefully i am wrong. I will wait. Thanks for your (+Maxthon) kind support so far. 

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