Extensions Center does not work


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I use Recently Updated as bookmark for Extensions Center (to check updates). 
Yesterday I began to see error message at the top of the page:



Deprecated: mysql_escape_string(): This function is deprecated; use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. in/data/capistrano/extension.maxthon.com/releases/20160304064518/shared/index.php on line

This error I see almost on every page, exept home and upload. So if you check only extension.maxthon.com, you don't see this.
Evening I tried to upload the update for Yandex.Taxi:



File system error, please try again

This error message I see not first time. Bun now I can not do anything with this.

I tried Maxthon 4.9, Yandex.Browser, Opera, Chrome... 
Is this only my problem? What happaned?


UPD: Now Extensions Center works fine. Thanks!

Edited by A.S.
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