How to turn off autosuggested sites?


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There are was a such topic on old forum and now i need this info and can't find any :)

How can i remove all autosuggested sites when i typing in address bar?

For example: I want to open Maxthon's forum and start typing "" and browser autosuggest me forum.materinstvo, forum.mastercity and What the hell is this??? I don't ever visit this sites and do not want to see this suggestions. My settings is: Show Favorites, Show History, Enable URL Autocompletion

How I can turn off all this damned suggestions??? As I remember topic in old maxthon's forum - i need to delete a file. But I can't remember which one! :)

Anybody help :)

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First this:

Then this:

Unfortunately there still isn't a way to do this from within Maxthon.

Will also create a new post here with all the details

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4 hours ago, 7twenty said:

^^ This one! :)

7twenty, that was YOUR post!!!


Seems all the suggestions are part of the update.db file in the \public\SmartUrl folder. If you create a new empty text file named update.db and mark it read-only then things will go back to normal.


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