[WinPC Confirmed] V4.9.0.2200 PrintScreen hotkey problem


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Im using dual screen setup, playing a game on the left one, and keeping maxthon open on the right one.

When im playing the game and want to make a screenshot i hit the Print Screen hotkey and the SnapShot Region selection turns on, and my game freezes, the Prt Scr hotkey is not set for SnapShot, it's on the default CTRL+1 and CTRL+2 hotkeys, and the Maxthon window isn't even active, but the SnapShot still gets activated. Haven't experienced this annoying problem with the older version.

Ofc i could change the ScreenShot hotkey for the game to another key, but when you used that key for 20+ years... you kinda don't wanna do that...

Is there any other way to disable the Prt Scr hotkey to work for Maxthon? Or to completely disable SnapShot?

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