Some help with some basic code please


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So i've been looking at some extensions and trying to figure out some things, but javascript is for the most part a little over my head. Reading some books to see if it makes any more sense.

Can anyone give me a quick rundown on how to do something as simple as close the current tab?

I get that this first two lines need to be in the script to create a runtime for the rest to work in, but then it gets hazy?

var rt = window.external.mxGetRuntime();
var browser = rt.create("mx.browser.tabs");


Line 3 should be "browser.getCurrentTab()" to get the current tab as it uses the browser variable? what next?

Where does Tab.close() fit in? Do i need to create a function for this to work?

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i'll respond - only to say sorry i have no idea - javascript is a mystery to me - i think any that had knowledge have long since left - who in truth can blame them - it would be nice if one of the devs commented but thats asking far to much - its back to the one way street :wacko:

Tony     -  Vivaldi 4 on Windows 10 64Bit
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3 hours ago, 大笨狗 said:

Try this:

var myRuntime = window.external.mxGetRuntime();
var mxTabs = myRuntime.create('mx.browser.tabs');
var currentTab = mxTabs.getCurrentTab();


Hmmm, recognize the flower, thanx dev!

Edited by PHYR
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3 hours ago, PHYR said:

Hmmm, recognize the flower, thanx dev!

Likewise, I recognize the flower and the Chinese name, but didn't realize he's a dev (meaning Maxthon dev).  I do know his skin work,  very good and I'm still using one (Bing_Light) with some tweaks.


Edited by SnowLeopard
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