Language problem

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I bought my PC in germany, and so it came with a windows 7 service pack in german, which I couldn't change until I upgraded to windows 10. Well, the problem is Maxthon still thinks I'm german or in Germany and it shows me that language on most websites when I visit them. I'd rather they be in english. How can I change the settings so I get everything in english?

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3 hours ago, excitedpenguin said:

I bought my PC in germany, and so it came with a windows 7 service pack in german, which I couldn't change until I upgraded to windows 10. Well, the problem is Maxthon still thinks I'm german or in Germany and it shows me that language on most websites when I visit them. I'd rather they be in english. How can I change the settings so I get everything in english?

did you perform a clean install (uninstall and clear your personnal data) and then install maxthon again ?


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5 hours ago, excitedpenguin said:

I bought my PC in germany, and so it came with a windows 7 service pack in german, which I couldn't change until I upgraded to windows 10. Well, the problem is Maxthon still thinks I'm german or in Germany and it shows me that language on most websites when I visit them. I'd rather they be in english. How can I change the settings so I get everything in english?

Check that your Windows settings reflect your location, All settings > Time and Language > Region and language > Select your region and country.

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