Out of Date Browser Pop Ups

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Good Day Folks

In the last few weeks I've noticed an increasing number of web sites that have been telling me that my browser is out of date or incompatible with the site. The usual dialogue box pops up asking me to download - it names a few of the more well known but not as great as Maxthon browsers. I downloaded the latest version but it is still happening. any suggestions. 

thanks much

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Good Day Folks

In the last few weeks I've noticed an increasing number of web sites that have been telling me that my browser is out of date or incompatible with the site. The usual dialogue box pops up asking me to download - it names a few of the more well known but not as great as Maxthon browsers. I downloaded the latest version but it is still happening. any suggestions. 

thanks much is not the latest version.  The latest version is which you can find here:  http://dl.maxthon.com/mx4/mx4.4.7.3000.exe  Please download and see if you still get the same messages.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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Depending on the site it detects the old version of blink that Maxthon uses. You can generally dismiss the message and not have any issues. Until Maxthon update this there's not much more you can do.

What you can try is changing your User Agent (Settings > Advanced > others, select the customise user agent box) to one listed in the User Agent thread. Copy the one that matches your Maxthon and OS version and paste it into the User Agent box in settings.

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Thanks much 7Twenty. Yes its not a new thing, I'd see it quite a bit in the past and as you said I'd ignore it and things would be fine (with the exceptions of a few sites like www.canva.com who simply won't let you in unless you dload a "supported browser") But lately I find that not only am I getting more of those messages BUT in many, if not most instances there are no messages, you simply realise the site is not showing well and you try a different browser and it works. Right now yahoo mail won't cooperate that well with me on Maxthon. 

Of course I have made the changes that you suggested and will see in a few days how it responds but just wanted to share the observation above with you just in case its of any value.

Thanks as always


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