Help to translate Pocket in Spanish


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What's up, guys?
I made Pocket (formerly Read It Later) for Maxthon and now I need your help to translate it in Spanish.


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Thanks for help.

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translation to spanish here:

the third line

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in the add-ons page say that is already traslated to spanish, well i do anyway haha

i hope can help you. if you have the complete file to translate or revise i can do as well (please in english. my knowledge of Russian is 0%)

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in the add-ons page say that is already traslated to spanish, well i do anyway haha
i hope can help you. if you have the complete file to translate or revise i can do as well (please in english. my knowledge of Russian is 0%)

I used Russian for example. Localization files look the same, but with pocket.List=My list. I just removed terms. 
Maybe you know. I added es-es. Does it work if you use es-mx or es-pe? 
P.S. I write topic about Symbaloo this week.  

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The translation is good and for (es-pe) works!

Are you sure? I changed language in es-pe and Pocket uses English.
I just copy spanish translation in es-mx and es-pe. But MX should understand that  Spanish in Mexico is more similar to Spanish in Spain than English. 

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I used Russian for example. Localization files look the same, but with pocket.List=My list. I just removed terms.
Maybe you know. I added es-es. Does it work if you use es-mx or es-pe?
P.S. I write topic about Symbaloo this week.

My operating system is in Spanish Peru, therefore, the "Extension pocket", will be in (es-es) or (es-pe). No matter whether the browser this in English or Russian.

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I just copy spanish translation in es-mx and es-pe. But MX should understand that  Spanish in Mexico is more similar to Spanish in Spain than English. 

the majority in spanish is the same (except some jargon in countries): es-es, es-mx, es-pe, es-ar. So does not matter, the specific localization is just a copy and paste of each spanish lang files.


if you need some help translating i can help you.



saludos Wilser y A.S.

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My operating system is in Spanish Peru, therefore, the "Extension pocket", will be in (es-es) or (es-pe). No matter whether the browser this in English or Russian.

Strange. I use Russian OS and Russian is default language in Maxthon. But when I use es-pe is MX without es-pe in Pocker. Pocket use English, not Russian.

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