HELP - Maxthon lost all bookmarks - osx

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Hello everyone, I'm desperate. I am using a mac book pro with osx Yosemite. I have no time machine activated. I used maxthon several months, collecting hundreds of bookmarks. Today cause necessity to format the mac, I decided to turn on cloud maxton, because there is no other feature to export bookmarks locally, in order to find everything once formatted. But at the very moment in which I joined and activated the cloud, maxthon has deleted all my bookmarks. Is it a joke? Please help. Sorry for bad english I use google translator.

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Not familiar with the Mac version, but did you have an option to import your data from your local account to the cloud account when it was created?


it sounds like you activated a new cloud passport account, but never actually synced your current data with that new account. If that is the case, then unless you have a backup of your local data somewhere then I don't think you will be able to get it back.

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