invalide certificate on gmail, twitter...

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I'm not sure if this is right place to tell...

I reinstalled WIndows and now I can't open some safe popular sites because of Invalid Certificate like Gmail, OneDrive, Twitter...


I'm sure ther are many other sites, but I use OneDrive and Gmail every day so can you tell me how to get rid of these dialogs?

I never had Invalid Cerificate dialog before I installed new Windows, only if I visited suspicious site.

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I'm not sure if this is right place to tell...

I reinstalled WIndows and now I can't open some safe popular sites because of Invalid Certificate like Gmail, OneDrive, Twitter...


I'm sure ther are many other sites, but I use OneDrive and Gmail every day so can you tell me how to get rid of these dialogs?

I never had Invalid Cerificate dialog before I installed new Windows, only if I visited suspicious site.

You do have all your Windows updates, correct?

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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No.1MaxthonFan, in fact, I haven't, I'm doing install of  them right now since it's fresh Windows. There are many. 8i38cukz7p4u.gif

So, if I install updates invalid certificated will go? OK thanks for your help! 8i38cukz7p4u.gif


P. S. I love Maxthon too. emotion-5.gif

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No.1MaxthonFan, in fact, I haven't, I'm doing install of  them right now since it's fresh Windows. There are many. 8i38cukz7p4u.gif

So, if I install updates invalid certificated will go? OK thanks for your help! 8i38cukz7p4u.gif


P. S. I love Maxthon too. emotion-5.gif

Yes, that would be my first guess.  And yes, it's a hassle when you have to re-install Windows, but it must be done sometimes.

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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I reinstalled WIndows and now I can't open some safe popular sites because of Invalid Certificate like Gmail, OneDrive, Twitter...

did you check your windows time/date in systray ? (if it's not the same than internet time, it will generate certificate errors)


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-ody-, as No.1MaxthonFan told I had to install first updates and when I completed all of them now I don't have certificate errors so now is OK.

Thank you for your help! :)

That's great that your problem is now solved.  Happy browsing. :top:

post3dmg4_zps398d3651.jpgWindows 10 64-bit build 10525/Windows 10 Mobile build 10512

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