Still monothreaded, locked tabs still opening in reverse order after years...


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It's been years I complain/report that locked tabs opens in reverse order, I do have to open and close Maxthon twice to get it in the right order, still not fixed...

Also, I can't use it for several seconds even on an i7 5930K because of the many tabs I open at launch (between 10 and 15), because Maxthon is still monothreaded, where other browsers opens multiple processes to have each tab in a process.

Maxthon opens several processes but not one by tab, so it struggles to render some tabs when several are opened.

I'm really looking forward to Project Spartan on Windows 10 once it's available, even in preview, as IE11 is even faster and synchronize way better on my phone/PCs, Spartan sounds to be even better than that, Maxthon on WP8.1 is a joke, besides favorites nothing is synchronized.

I think I'll finally move and use less and less Maxthon, just testing builds to see if anything changes.

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