Adobe Weirdness


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I am running Mx on Win 7 (Blink core) and when I visit the Adobe flash plug-in page it informs me that:

You have version 16,0,0,305 installed.

That's fine, even though the page actually states that the present NPAPI/PPAPI plug-in is:

Firefox, Mozilla - NPAPI

Chrome (embedded), Opera, Chromium-based browsers - PPAPI

Does Maxthon automatically silently update flash now? Because if it does, I'm impressed.

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kliop00023 replied at 2015-2-5 04:43 back.gif

i think that this is 'cos your system flash is updating automatically and maxthon would use the newe ...

I prefer to update flash manually. I thought Maxthon's flash updated with browser updates like Chrome's does.

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