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Hi guys, During recent months, many enthusiastic users have been giving us good advice to improve our products. Firstly, thanks a lot for your support. In fact some of the suggestions can be realized through extensions. Now, on this point, i would love to introduce you some surprising features that can help to improve many users' browsing experience. Ⅰ.Violentmonkey Author: A lonely atom This is an extension adapted from chrome, basically it is a super great extension as it is very useful in our daily lives. Sorry for using such simple words to describe it, just like when I describe Maxthon I always say is a very good browser : ) You know what, time will tell, you will definitely understand why I say that when you try it. Download link: Usage scenarios: Always wanna download YouTube videos but have problems of doing that? Well, this extension will help you. Instructions: 1.Install this extension. 2.Open ; 3.Install this script > Confirm installation in the new page ; 4.Open a YouTube video. 5.You can see a "Download" icon. Click it and you can download the video now! 6.There are a lot more useful scripts of Violentmonkey, I will introduce them to you next time! ⅡTurn Off the Lights Author:17123077 A very powerful video auxiliary tool that allows you to watch video, with a greatly enhanced video experience. Download link: Usage scenarios: Anytime that you do not want to see the video in full screen, especially in evening, in evening, in evening!!! The important thing should be said three times! For instance, when you turn off the lights in evening and you want to watch some YouTube videos, do you think the white background is harmful to your eyes? If yes, I strongly suggest you download this extension right now! If you really don’t care about these issues, I still advise you have a go with this extension, I guarantee that it will offer you better video experience. Instructions: 1.After installing, just click this extension. 2.Too simple? No no no! This extension has more features. Right click the extension > Settings. For example, you can adjust the background color, add some fun little special effects to the background and choose to open/close this feature on a specific website, set time to use this feature etc. Come and experience the Theater stage effect! Warning: Some extensions may cause some problems. if you have problems after installing Maxthon extensions, please try to uninstall the extension. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you find these two extensions interesting? I guess yes : ) Please stay tuned to our forum, we will be introducing to you some good extensions every Thursday to show you how to make Maxthon more useful for you!
Translated weekend №2. Symbaloo: alternative new tab Symbaloo is online service to create visual collections of bookmarks. Bookmarks are grouped together by category, and you get opportunity to share your collections for your friends. For most users Symbaloo is just alternative to standard new tab. But with Symbaloo you can sync your data between different browsers and for some categories of users (lecturers and students) share function is very useful. There are Symbaloo expansion for almost all browsers. Of course, except Maxthon. So I tried to make it: There are two variants of Symbaloo expansion for Maxthon: Symbaloo (Symbaloo instead of the standard Quick Access, website menu in toolbar, script for fast save of websites)Symbaloo Light (standard Quick Access, Symbaloo is available by click on button in toolbar, script for fast save of website is available only in toolbar menu)Why I made two separate extension you can read here: EnglishRussianI used NewTabPlus for Maxthon as the basis for full version. It's very popular extension for all browsers. But in Maxthon it works not as in other browsers. NTP's developer did a great work. Only thanks to him I can make my expansion kind of TabsBook and Symbaloo. So go on NewTabPlus page and give him five stars! And I don't know anything about scripts. So if you know what I can change it full version, tell me what. Symbaloo website is translated in English, Netherlandish, French, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Catalan, Russian, Danish, Italian, Korean, Turkish, Polish and Swedish. But now extensions are translated only in English, Russian and Netherlandish. And I need help with translation again: ENGLISH - RUSSIANAdd in Symbaloo - Добавить в SymbalooOpen Symbaloo - Открыть SymbalooMy profile - Мой профильPreferences - ПредпочтенияAccount settings - Настройки аккаунтаSupport - ПомощьAbout Symbaloo - Что за Symbaloo?Rate and Review - Оценки и замечания P.S. You can use Symbaloo to sync with your Nitro. Just open this page and add Symbaloo button it favorites. If you have problems with button you can also add script manually:javascript:(function(){var%20url=''+encodeURIComponent(document.location.href),,'SymbalooBookmarker','toolbar=no,width=550,height=330,status=no,titlebar=no,scrollbars=no');window.setTimeout(function(){newwindow.focus()},0)})()Click bookmarklet if you need to save website in Symbaloo and use ordinary bookmark to open your collections. P.P.S. I have no idea how to add tags here...
Translated weekend №1. Pocket: Read it Later Maybe you know me, maybe not, but this summer I made a few new extensions for Maxthon. Today I want to talk about Pocket, formerly Read It Later. It's a Save4Later service, help to save interesting articles, videos and more from the web. If you use mobile app, you can read saved articles without internet connections (more information). Pocket for Maxthon did not exist for a long time, so I made simple extension. Includes: your saved pages in sidebar (press "x" to close)website menu in toolbar (work as links)script for save opened page (add tags if you need) About translaions: Usually I translate extensions only in English and Russian, but Pocket is something more. So I already translated Pocket for Maxthon in English, Russian, German, Spanish, French, Italian and Polish. I don't speak these languages, I used Google Translator, so I could make a lot of mistakes. Let me know if you find it. And if you want to help me with translations in other languages too (all languages which are used in Pocket you can see here). If I get a translation, I can add new language immediately. But approval will take several days. If you ready to help my in this you have to translate in your language this terms: ENGLISH - RUSSIAN Pocket for Web - Pocket для Web Save to Pocket - Сохранить в Pocket My list - Мой список Favorites - Избранное Archive - Архив Recommended - Рекомендации Account - Учетная запись Options - Настройки Help - Помощь Email us - Написать нам Request a feature - Предложить функцию About Pocket - Что за Pocket? Rate and Review - Оценки и замечания How to use Pocket in Nitro read here: EnglishRussian
You may also find Tanslator tool very useful as an addon for Maxthon Cloud sidebar. I use it daily ;) It works for many, many languages and allows you to easily translate words and sentences:
Okay i have done the update and the problem seems to be gone woot! Thank you again to all that helped and i have to say im really impressed with this browser and although i was a sworn firefox user and never used any other for as long as fox has existed, i can now say i am a very happy MAXTHON user :-) ty! I just had one other small thing, there seems to be no share with Pinterest button for Maxthon, but im guessing thats a pinterest issue and not maxthon or?
This is not an extension request, i'm just willing to share with Maxthon users a simple way to get support of mathML in the browser after having spent time on my own to get things to work properly. You need to install ViolentMonkey extension to be able to run scripts : Then use the applet coming from this page below, it sends mathML code to MathJax online translater and display it back in the browser. For the sake of simplicity, you can just copy/paste the code below to ViolentMonkey // ==UserScript== // @name MathJax Bookmarklet // @grant GM_addStyle // ==/UserScript== javascript: (function() { function e(e) { var t = '.MathJax .mn {background: inherit;} .MathJax .mi {color: inherit;} .MathJax .mo {background: inherit;}'; var a = e.createElement('style'); a.innerText = t; try { a.textContent = t } catch (n) {} e.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(a); var i = e.createElement('script'), o; i.src = ''; i.type = 'text/javascript'; o = 'MathJax.Hub.Config({tex2jax:{inlineMath:[[\'$\',\'$\']],displayMath:[[\'\\\\[\',\'\\\\]\']],processEscapes:true}});MathJax.Hub.Startup.onload();'; if (window.opera) i.innerHTML = o; else i.text = o; e.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(i) } function t(t) { if (t.MathJax === undefined) { e(t.document) } else { t.MathJax.Hub.Queue(new t.Array('Typeset', t.MathJax.Hub)) } } var a = document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'), n, i; t(window); for (n = 0; n < a.length; n++) { i = a[n].contentWindow || a[n].contentDocument; if (!i.document) i = i.parentNode; t(i) } })(); When this is done, activate the script in ViolentMonkey and go to this page for instance in order to test it : Rem: For this to work you need to be in Ultra mode, this won't work in Retro mode. Hope you will find this useful.
Try this simple and great extenstion for Facebook ;)