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Release Note6

Everything posted by ElDoRado1239

  1. Thanks for feedback! 1. I am indeed thinking about it. But I have yet to learn how to make extensions. It's on the list though. 2. It does that by desing, actually that's why I made it in the first place. If I ever make it into an extension, I'll let you choose. 3. Working on it, zoom will use the position of the mouse on the picture as the center for scaling. 4. That's already sorted out, next update won't do this. It had something to do with Maxthon itself and what it does with the picture before I can touch it. 5. I have a standart mouse without sidescrolling, never noticed. I will look into it. 6. Thanks for the "imgView", I didn't know! Right now, I check the extension so it wouldn't fire on all pages and then I check the page title, which is always "name.extension (widthxheight)". The main function right now is the auto-fitting. Zoom is kinda awkward, I know - but I will soon post a new version with a few improvements I have in mind.