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Release Note6

Everything posted by SirNasso

  1. Tried it now, but it doesn't show all the bookmarks I have in the folder when Super bookmarks is disabled. Around a third of them are not showing. So it will be good to add the opiton to change folder without that function.
  2. And still no option to choose the diplayed folder in the favorites bar. All other browser I've used have this. Even Maxthon had that in the past, not sure when and why it got removed.
  3. Now that is the million $ question, everyone is asking about.
  4. Hmmm I was on version .2200 and a lot of my autosaved passwords are gone or outdated. Tried resyncing them, but nothing changed. Even couple newly saved passwords are missing now. How can I restore them?
  5. I can login to Hotmail normaly with this version.
  6. To me it opens some forum with the topic "Playblast to new formats like MP4, MKV", and stays there. No re-routing to main page.
  7. Hi BugSir009, Mi nickname is SirNasso, or for login I use: If there is some other ID, just tell me where to find it.
  8. Hi BugSir009, Just installed the 1700 beta and the problem remains. 1-2 days ago I have also tried the 1700 portable and there was no change. Now I also notice that the passwords started missing on my mobile too. And it looks like all my passwords, before this issue appeared, are gone. Only the ones I saved after that are present.
  9. Tried that too. Even in portable the situation is the same. The usernames are there, but the passwords are gone. Only the ones I saved after this started happening are in place, all the others are missing.
  10. No. But having the same problem on 3 separate devices, using totaly different networks, and different Maxthon versions, shows enough. Atleast I think so.
  11. Did a clean install, disabled all exentensions, and nothing changed. Still no passwords. I tried relogging in some sites, and Passkeeper asked to update the stored passwords. So something is lost/not syncing correctly, I think. edit: Now, strangely enough, some passwords are starting to dissappear from my mobile too. The usernames are there, only the passwords are missing. edit2: Just got home from work. Maxthon on my homePC is behaving the same way. Passwords missing. Also when I click to check for new version, I get: "Update failed, please try again later." Is it possible there is some issue on the servers?
  12. I did an upgrade. But as I said, the old 1500 version did the same thing this morning. And nothing is changed on the PC or network. That is why I decided to upgrade to 1602. But it didn't change anything. Will try a bit later to do a clean install and see if it still behaves this way.
  13. No. This network I set-up myself, and there are no blocks of any sort. And yesterday everything was working normaly.
  14. Suddenly, this morning, on my office pc, a new problem appeared. I was using .1500 version and autofill passwords doesn't work. I click the username, it appears, but no password is filled. As if the passwords are all gone. In passkeeper, it shows there are passwords saved, but when triyng to view it, the field becomes empty. On my home pc and on my mobile it works normaly. Updated to version 1602, but nothing changed. Tried resyncing, logging out and back in, no change. What could be the issue? Also if I login to Passkeeper and then close the tab, it stays logged-in. It is not safe that way. Before it required to enter password for it each time I reopen Passkeeper.
  15. As I said, that is what happened with the test version BugSir006 sent me. It was portable, and without any account.
  16. That is exactly what I did with the version BugSir006 sent me.
  17. Hi BugSir006, Still no change in how it behaves. Absolutely the same.
  18. Hi BugSir006, Not completely sure. But I switched full time to MX6 since some official 6.2 version, maybe around, and it's been like that since then. But can't tell if it's been like that before or not.
  19. bandicam 2022-11-23 14-01-33-078.mp4 This is the video of both problems. As you see other windows are closed without problem, just this one isn't. Hope it helps
  20. As for extensions I have only 4 enabled - one 360 Internet protection (from my antivirus), Adblock, Ace script (which might be enabled by default, as I didn't enable it myself) and Google translate. But these were on since the very begging and never seemed to interfere.
  21. Also in the same game, there is a window about cookies, that can't be closed. See the attached image. It is in Bulgarian, so you might not understand what is written. But the small window on the top part is not closing upon pressing the X button. On other browsers and older versions of Maxthon it was working fine. Hi BugSir006, No I'm still with It didn't auto update, and I still haven't updated it manually. Will try a bit later and let you know if it changes anything. But it was behaving like that quite a few versions back.
  22. Hi Hi BugSir006, Restarted the browser and still the same. Holding CTRL and trying to drag mark items is not working. It is as if I'm not holding the CTRL key.
  23. Hi BugSir009, Tried that and it stops the image saving. But now the CTRL key doesn't start the marking. It is like I never press it.
  24. Strange new problem. Since the last 2-3 versions, in a Facebook game I try to hold CTRL and drag to mark several items, but instead of selecting them, MX6 saves a copy of the images of the items. Tried disabling shortcuts, boss key and Super-drag-and-drop, but nothing changed. Is there some other option for this, or is this a bug?