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Release Note6

Status Replies posted by dezinto

  1. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

  2. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      strange... WORKING! )so far(. MAN! YOU'RE A WIZARD! THANKS-THANS-THANKS!

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      done. And all excluded addons activates again. disable them? or should I try to test it AS-IS?

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      No good. Anyway all bugs are back. I think addons doesn't matter. 

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  5. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      DONE. No bugs so far... Bad is that I can't use now VERY useful addons. Nevertheless sometime Maxthon is starting very slooooow. Or hangs on start. Then 6~7 processes in task manager needs to kill... Anyway, thank YOU, MAN, for your help. Maybe soon I won't disturbing you - when quit MX and continue to use Opera...

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  6. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      1. TIP: "invalid torrent file" solves with switching engine to old. works always.

      2. first attached screenshot shows endless refreshing home page (never before). homepage itself see in attached. there's only links,- no big scripts, just html.

      3. still leaves 7 processes in task manager after crashing.

      4. still exiting 15~20 sec. while youtube window opened.

      now trying to catch on video the others...



      and short snap about slow exit.


    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  7. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      left click anywhere provides closing current tab, next click - next.

      about torrents and other - I'll try to catch.

      Win.10x64, 16GB RAM. Storage? What storage? HDs are capable enough.

      NEW BUG: when I'm trying exit Mx while youtube page with video is active - it's closing 5-10 sec.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  8. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      The same trouble with torrents: different links. May work after MX restart, sometime after several restarts.

      New trouble: after active surfing (browsing about 50~100 windows) any mouse click provides tab closing - one after other excepting the last one (default new tab)

      And time after time MX hang without exit, leaving in task manager 5~7 tasks that needs to kill from last to first. CPU usage while is 97%...

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      Thank You, Big Man! Exactly now I'm testing (install version). So far so good... Right before I had a fight with *.torrent dl errors. I hope this one will fly clear & stable...

      Anyway. THANKS TO YOU.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  10. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

  11. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      Engish: End User License Agreement        New Translation: Ліцензійна угода

      Engish: Privacy Policy                                     New Translation: Kонфіденційність

      English: Join UEIP                                         New Translation: Долучитись до поліпшення ПЗ

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  12. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      maybe I should be used, big man. I'm familiar with scripting, and I'LL MAKE IT FASTER.

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  13. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

  14. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

    1. dezinto


      yes, that's right, BUT LAST CHECKBOX MISSING! EXACTLY customize setup!

    2. (See 28 other replies to this status update)

  15. Hi there, MAN! Troubles, troubles...

    Abd the first one is - HOW to change installation folder???

    I'm still using portable 5.3.2

  16. BugSir! Sorry to say again... PERMANENT problem with *.torrent files!

    Once denied ("wrong bencoding") correct download needs MX restart, some times several restarts...

    1. dezinto


      Sorry once again for taking your time!.. After moment this happened again... It piss me off like hell! After restart, of course, download succeeded... Same shit!

      I tell you, I'm using MX from it's MyIE-version, since 2001... and NEVER seen browser better. With modules, addons and gestures/key-shortcuts my web-serfing became comfort and easy. I'm even made several donations because I'm realised - the TEAM is working! and their work is GREAT! But things changed. MX degraded... There are many things working worst or not works at all...

      I know, you are the ONE who cares about MX as the BEST browser. So that's why I write to you. Only you can deal with this all.

      Here's a list of PERMANENT bugs from ver.4 to latest:

      * Quick save (CTRL+click) time after time stops showing right bottom screen notification (foolish, user not sure that image saved)

      * Torrent files (you know) incorrect loading

      * After MX crash remains several processes needed to kill in task manager; without it MX restarting takes LONG time or not restarts ever.

      * Home page (any) about 2-3 min. refreshing (why?) while you log in account.

      * "new" download manager made work slower: previous version can run or d-load at once files like .mp3, .mp4, .pdf and, sure .torrent... Now I need useless confirm.


      I probably take a break with my "reports"...

      THANK YOU, man, for your REAL HELP!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. BugSir! Sorry to say again... PERMANENT problem with *.torrent files!

    Once denied ("wrong bencoding") correct download needs MX restart, some times several restarts...

    1. dezinto


      updated yesterday... torrents loading correct... so far...

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. BugSir! Sorry to say again... PERMANENT problem with *.torrent files!

    Once denied ("wrong bencoding") correct download needs MX restart, some times several restarts...

    1. dezinto


      situation the same. I'm SURE that's MX fault... Above month I'm keeping at hand Opera - for such cases; and Opera ALWAYS does it right... Mx... 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. BugSir! Sorry to say again... PERMANENT problem with *.torrent files!

    Once denied ("wrong bencoding") correct download needs MX restart, some times several restarts...

    1. dezinto


      here's it. others like this... as I said, after restart MX (or several times) torrnet loading correct.


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Man! Only YOU can help it! Last version mess the torrent download AGAIN! Again I read that IT'S NOT VALID BENCODING FILE. Do something - kill developers or what! And better upload normal .dll like you did once!


    1. dezinto


      Very sorry, BugSir! Strange things: after several tries (exit MX and run again) torrent file was downloaded. After reinstall MX (portable) - so far so good... Can't give link (authorized login tracker), but hope for your help in case of @#$%! THANK YOU once again!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)