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Release Note6

Everything posted by projektilski

  1. I can confirm that I have the same issue. Very annoying. It is good thing that it is being investigated.
  2. Vivaldi is good browser but it is still missing an option to open new tab from address bar with just enter (and not some other key combination) which is crucial for me.
  3. I also reported issues with bookmarks. It is very annoying.
  4. Found it. I had to move some folders and links to this new folder and it works now.
  5. Hi, it synced after some time (I would say many hours). Now it shows bookmarks however I can't find how to set favorites folder to show on favorites bar.
  6. But in my case this did not happen. I logged in with Maxthon 6 but nothing synced. Maxthon 5 is still installed on the same computer.
  7. I'm not sure, should Maxthon 6 sync bookmarks from older versions? I ask because im my case it is empty.
  8. Hi, is it possible to get an invite or somehow get to test MX6 version?