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Release Note5

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Release Note6

Everything posted by magg

  1. Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - Please download this updated version.
  2. Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - Please download this updated version.
  3. Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - Please download this updated version.
  4. Essentially these two extensions work the same way. Just Symantec and their Norton's products are more recognizable . NSW is a part of useful Norton Toolbar which as we well knows don't work with Maxthon. So it's just a small part / substitute of this toolbar but works fine.
  5. Hi ! Let me introduce you another new extension for our Maxthon browser . Norton Safe Web is a extension which checks websites for reputation and safety. Credits : I would like to thank you : @A.S. who helps me a lot with this and others extensions and @Imanerd - creator of this extension which was very helpful to create my own addon (based on/ inspired by SaveFrom.Net Download Button javascript) How to use ? : Navigate to url you want to check and then simply click sidebar icon of Norton Safe Web extension. A few seconds later you'll get nicely looking and detailed report about your website. Description: Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it!
  6. Hi ! Let me introduce you another new extension for our Maxthon browser . Aol Reader can be an alternative to Maxthons RSS Reader. Description: You can check all unique and cool features of Aol Reader here Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it! AOL Reader.mxaddon
  7. Trochę spóźnione znalezisko ale może się Tobie i innym przydać. Dodaj do Paska Ulubionych bookmarklet : Kliknij na niego na stronie, na której potrzebujesz zaznaczyć, co ma być drukowane a co nie. Ogólnie jest to bardzo podobne do tej wtyczki do Firefoxa. Niestety - trzeba posiłkować się tym bookmarklet- em. Nie da rady z niego zrobić wtyczki do Maxthona ( ani 4.4.8 ani tym bardziej do 4.9)...
  8. Hi there! Let me introduce you another new extension for our Maxthon browser . Webutation is a extension which checks websites for reputation and safety. How to use? Navigate to url you want to check and then simply click sidebar icon of Webutation extension. A few seconds later you'll get nicely looking and detailed report about your website. Description: Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it!
  9. You can try this bookmarklet : Add it to your Favorites Bar and click on it when a video is on the page. Unfortunately I can't check this cuz I don't have Chromecast . More info :
  10. Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - Please download this updated version.
  11. Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - Please download this updated version.
  12. Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - . Please download this updated version.
  13. Hi there! Let me introduce you another new extension for our Maxthon browser . Inbox by Gmail is an email app by Google. Description: Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it!
  14. Hi there! Let me introduce you another new extension for our Maxthon browser . This time it's a port of well known Chrome extension which is called Readability. It's unofficial extension made by myself - orginal you'll find here . Description: Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it!
  15. I will try to upload it to extension center ASAP. I'm still waiting for approve. Glad you like it .
  16. Hi there! Let me introduce you another new extension for our Maxthon browser . Inoreader can be an alternative to Maxthons RSS Reader. Description: Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it!
  17. Hi there! Let me introduce you a new extension for our Maxthon browser . Feedly can be an alternative to Maxthons RSS Reader. Description: Home page & more infos: Download: Extension is now available in Maxthon Extension Center - I hope you'll enjoy it!
  18. Which Maxthon version are you using now? As far I remember this bug was confirmed and it has been repaired already. EDIT: Use SEARCH next time, please. There are plenty of similar threads on Forum already.
  19. It's exactly as you thought. It's just altered 0.dat. So we have to wait for "official" skin support.
  20. Just for your information guys : I don't have any problems with my chinese account on but unfortunately very often I see this info about some maintaince on page. Today morning I can easily browse and download skin from there.
  21. No. Maxthon is builded on Blink the same like Chrome. But that does not make it Chrome - clone. Check your CCleaner settings or download CCenhancer.
  22. Nie usuwaj plików cookie. Możliwe, że dzięki temu ustawienia odtwarzacza będą zapamiętane. Ogólnie to pytanie powinno być skierowane do supportu serwisu tvn24.
  23. No niestety... to "tylko" Maxthon. Wspominałem wam wielokrotnie jak to wygląda - twórcy mają inną wizję i priorytety. Niekoniecznie pokrywają się one z oczekiwaniami użytkowników. Jedyne co mogę Tobie i innym polskim użytkownikom radzić to zgłaszać również wszelkie problemy na forum głównym/ międzynarodowym. Takie spamienie może tylko pomóc. Bo widzę, że moje zgłaszanie problemów na wewnętrznym forum nic nie dają - vide polska lokalizacja czy problemy z filmikami na kartach Nvidii. Już raz taka "zmasowana akcja" polskich użytkowników przyniosła oczekiwany skutek - 2013 rok i problemy z AJAX - em na wielu polskich stronach Dopiero jak użytkownicy zaczęli wylewać żale na głównym forum, twórcy dostrzegli problem. Dlatego uważam, że teraz należy postąpić podobnie.
  24. Great job like always!!! Once again thank you for all your hard work to improve Maxthon!