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Release Note6

Everything posted by BugSir006

  1. Try to press the keyboard "Win+R" > run "%appdata%", find the folder "Maxthon5", rename the folder then restart the browser.
  2. Hi there, the video ads could not be blocked by the Adblock Plus. Regarding the Pinterest, could you let us know the version of your browser? We recommend you to use the latest beta version with the default User-Agent.
  3. You could add the various extensions about the theme or skin to customize the background. ? Hi gmatas, thank you for your support.? But it seems that you didn't post any replies or discussions on our forum before?, do you have enough time to help us test the alpha version? Our product team will consider keeping many functions as the extensions.?
  4. Hi AaronX, you have been added to the tester group. You could access Early Access to check the test version. Hope we can receive your feedback about our alpha version. ?
  5. Hi there, I have added you to the tester group. Please do not leak test versions to anyone else.
  6. Hello Maxers, Because of the forum update issue, some members could not reset the password or register the new account successfully. If you need any assistance with the account issue please feel free to contact us at huangshan@maxthon.net or send feedback on https://www.maxthon.com/mx/bug/post/. We will approve the new registration and change the password manually for you. Thank for your support and understanding! Kind regards, BugSir006
  7. - Fixed the issue that the font mactype could not be used - Fixed the issue that the User Agent could not work properly - Fixed the issue that download page could not be closed automatically under some circumstances - Fixed the issue that some websites could not be toggled to the mobile developer mode - Fixed the issue that some audio could not be played under some circumstances - Fixed the issue that the installation page could not display properly in the Ukrainian language system - Fixed the issue that the QR code could not work properly under some circumstance - Fixed the issue that the translation error of the snap button in the Spanish language - Fixed the issue that Skype for web could not work properly
  8. Hi there, please check the screenshot and try to contact your local telecom provider.


  9. - Official new core version - Fixed page crashes under some circumstances - Fixed the crash issue when dragging the link under some circumstances
  10. Hi Leonidas, I tried this issue again but haven't reproduced. You could try to uninstall the Gmail notifier then reinstall it.
  11. Yes, I installed you provided extension and updated it from the extension center. I recommend you press the keyboard "Win+R", enter "%appdata%", press the keyboard "Enter", to find the folder "Maxthon5", rename it then restart the browser.
  12. Maxthon business email address: donghao@maxthon.net

  13. Hi there, how about the version
  14. Please try to remove the Gmail Notifier and install again.
  15. + Added the setting for HTTPS non-secure origins - Fixed the crashes issue when launching Maxthon 5 via the external link - Fixed the issue that the shortcut letters could not be displayed in the international version when right-clicking on a link - Fixed the issue that the browser suggested you set it as the default browser when opening the HTML file - Fixed the crashes issue in XP system when launching Maxthon 5 - Fixed the issue that the print function could not work properly under some situations
  16. Hi Ryu, Could you provide the specific URLs and screenshots of this issue? Did you enable the Adblock?
  17. + The web page translation UI has been changed in Chinese version - Fixed some crashes - Fixed the issue that the selected word could not be translated properly
  18. Hi there, could you let me know the specific extension name?
  19. Spring Festival Holiday: Feb. 4 to Feb. 10.

    1. Chantao


      really short break

    2. BugSir006
    3. Chantao


      Do you know: We users are very spoiled: If there were 3 months of vacation, what do you mean how nice and kind after the user would be.

  20. This package contains : mx5skin_edge: Edge skin resource files. mx5skin_tabdown: Skin resource files of moving tab down. MxFilePackage: The tool of packing skin file. build.dat: Batch tool. mx5.mxskin: Output file after running build.bat doc\ Maxthon5_Skin.rar