I have instaled again Windows Server 2003 in VMWare virtual drive to use Maxthon twice in same time but now I lost first all grouped bookmarks then all bookmarks, now I have only default bookmarks like Google, Facebook, Tweeter etc.
I had a lot of bookmarks and I need time to get them again but is it there any way to get back again my bookmarks? I mean, everything else is fine, also bookmarks from Favorites Bar. i lost only favorites from Quick Access.
Now I'm afraid I will lose more data if I use Maxthon twice same time. So you don't recommend me to use it like this? I thought it's like using cloud feature. Use Maxthon in more than 1 device. In my case it's same device, PC but still...
Can I have again my favorites?
P. S. I tried to install Windows 10 in virtual machine to try it but I had problem so I decided to install Windows Server 2003, my favorite OS. My purose was to use Maxthon twice in same time, I have my resaons.
P. S. 2. Now I'm regreted because I had chance to make another user to use Maxthon because I don't use it regularly in virtual machine so I'd save myself from risk.
Edit: now that I lost favorites this issue is fixed: