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Posts posted by Xahi4475

  1. I don't have Gmail problem anymore. It was 2 or 3 times.

    Edit: I jinxed it. Now again I must log in to Gmail. 🤭


    uBlock Origin Lite
     The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.
    Looks like this beta of Maxthon is against ad blockers? 🤭
  2. 3 hours ago, projektilski said:

    Ublock Origin is regarded as the best blocker out there. There are two versions: Origin and Origin Lite. One is for Manifest V2, and the second is for Manifest V3. Maxthon is still on Manifest V2 (which is better).

    OK, I just installed Lite version, since my ADP again have problems and I keep ADP in Edge. ADP has one very good thing "block element". Thanks. :)

  3. 5 hours ago, projektilski said:

    There is no reason to use any generic ad blocker besides Ublock Origin (and its Lite version)

    What you mean? Long time I use this ad blocker or similar. It's good. Maxthon has no own ad blocker like Opera. And for Ublock Origin I read this: "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions."

    Oh, and now I see my Ad Blocker Plus works fine after restart. Time to time have problems since alpha builds.

  4. 6 hours ago, BugSir009 said:

    Hi Xahi4475, you could choose to export the bookmarks and import the bookmarks to the MX account. As for settings, you can go into your account local folder, copy the file 'Preferences' and paste into MX account

    I wish you told me this earlier. 🤭

    P. S. Again:
    Adblock Plus - free ad blocker
     The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.

  5. Tell me is this normal? 

    Guest, Local account (it's same like my Maxthon and Windows account, it's continuance of previous version of Maxthon before alpha, so all settings are there) and my MX account (if I log in it, then it's like opening it for first time in new fresh Maxthon install).

    This is confusing. I continue with Local account, but if I add new bookmarks, change settings etc. they won't be part of MX account. Is there an way to merge Local and MX account?

    Always when I opened Maxthon it was automaticaly logged in my MX account without confirmation, because I decided so long time ago. These alpha versions added Local account, I think. Otherwise I never seen Local account, Only Guest and MX account.

    Sure, not big deal. If I add bookmark, I log in temporarily on my MX account, I add that bookmark, then log out and back to Local account. 

    Or, maybe, just saying maybe, if I reinstall latest 7.2 version then this new beta, maybe Local account will be gone and will be normal like always with MX account. Edit: nope, no success. I gues alpha versions weren't dedicated to me. 😋

    Edit: and now my experiment ruined local account too. 😂 Many cookies and settings gone, so logged in and started from 0.


  6. On 11/12/2024 at 10:51 PM, Refix2 said:

    That's right, the lines are spaced wider and the menu has become longer :(

    I confirm, links do not open from other applications when Maxthon is open. The same link opens when Maxthon is closed and it is launched :(


    I confirm too. Latest alpha build too.

  7. OK, I add new site in my QA then I will enable sync and will se what is recent update of QA. emotion-5.gif


    Unfortunately not working. I made changes in QA then enabled it and no sync. Maybe after some time it will recognize last update. I will keep unsynced QA for while. I'm not worried since QA data is saved in local disk too, I will keep eyes on it when I reinstall Windows. :)

    Even better I will install always last portable version and sync my data, I keep them in D:\ (not in C:\ where is Windows). emotion-5.gif

    One question. What happenes if I delete QaSnap? I make backup and I see what happens.

    I saw, nothing important, still no sync ahahaha.

  8. Yes, I have portable version and I can see QaConfig.dat there. Maybe it works. ;P


    Yesssssss, it worked buuuuuuuuuuut, then it's back to new QA. :@

    I don't touch anything, I see my old then after 1-2 seconds QA is refreshed itself and removed my favorites. I understood, it synced QA but why?

    I will sign out then sign in again. Or any idea?

    Edit 2: signing out and resign in didn't work then I tried to sync fast but it's impossible then I had good idea, I disabled sync of QA and now my favorites from QA are back hehehe.

    But... what happens if I reenable sync QA? I tried it. I reenebaled it, synced and back to unsaved QA favorites. I don't know what to do now. ;P Fow now I keep unsynced QA data until you give me another idea.

  9. Thanks for replies.
    I didn't know that favorites are saved in local disk. I thought only on cloud. Unfortunately I think I have deleted everything with Revo Uninstaller. Well, not big deal, I had all favorites OK but only those from Quick Access gone so I started to add some I remembered, when I need others I will find them somehow, also many favorites I have added in Address Bar URL Alias.
    I made other account in virtual machine's Maxthon so I won't use my main account twice at same time. Looks to be too risky.

    Maxthon, the best!

  10. I have instaled again Windows Server 2003 in VMWare virtual drive to use Maxthon twice in same time but now I lost first all grouped bookmarks then all bookmarks, now I have only default bookmarks like Google, Facebook, Tweeter etc.

    I had a lot of bookmarks and I need time to get them again but is it there any way to get back again my bookmarks? I mean, everything else is fine, also bookmarks from Favorites Bar. i lost only favorites from Quick Access.

    Now I'm afraid I will lose more data if I use Maxthon twice same time. So you don't recommend me to use it like this? I thought it's like using cloud feature. Use Maxthon in more than 1 device. In my case it's same device, PC but still...

    Can I have again my favorites? :)

    P. S. I tried to install Windows 10 in virtual machine to try it but I had problem so I decided to install Windows Server 2003, my favorite OS. My purose was to use Maxthon twice in same time, I have my resaons. :)

    P. S. 2. Now I'm regreted because I had chance to make another user to use Maxthon because I don't use it regularly in virtual machine so I'd save myself from risk. :(

    Edit: now that I lost favorites this issue is fixed:

