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Posts posted by Xahi4475

  1. OK, I add new site in my QA then I will enable sync and will se what is recent update of QA. emotion-5.gif


    Unfortunately not working. I made changes in QA then enabled it and no sync. Maybe after some time it will recognize last update. I will keep unsynced QA for while. I'm not worried since QA data is saved in local disk too, I will keep eyes on it when I reinstall Windows. :)

    Even better I will install always last portable version and sync my data, I keep them in D:\ (not in C:\ where is Windows). emotion-5.gif

    One question. What happenes if I delete QaSnap? I make backup and I see what happens.

    I saw, nothing important, still no sync ahahaha.

  2. Yes, I have portable version and I can see QaConfig.dat there. Maybe it works. ;P


    Yesssssss, it worked buuuuuuuuuuut, then it's back to new QA. :@

    I don't touch anything, I see my old then after 1-2 seconds QA is refreshed itself and removed my favorites. I understood, it synced QA but why?

    I will sign out then sign in again. Or any idea?

    Edit 2: signing out and resign in didn't work then I tried to sync fast but it's impossible then I had good idea, I disabled sync of QA and now my favorites from QA are back hehehe.

    But... what happens if I reenable sync QA? I tried it. I reenebaled it, synced and back to unsaved QA favorites. I don't know what to do now. ;P Fow now I keep unsynced QA data until you give me another idea.

  3. Thanks for replies.
    I didn't know that favorites are saved in local disk. I thought only on cloud. Unfortunately I think I have deleted everything with Revo Uninstaller. Well, not big deal, I had all favorites OK but only those from Quick Access gone so I started to add some I remembered, when I need others I will find them somehow, also many favorites I have added in Address Bar URL Alias.
    I made other account in virtual machine's Maxthon so I won't use my main account twice at same time. Looks to be too risky.

    Maxthon, the best!

  4. I have instaled again Windows Server 2003 in VMWare virtual drive to use Maxthon twice in same time but now I lost first all grouped bookmarks then all bookmarks, now I have only default bookmarks like Google, Facebook, Tweeter etc.

    I had a lot of bookmarks and I need time to get them again but is it there any way to get back again my bookmarks? I mean, everything else is fine, also bookmarks from Favorites Bar. i lost only favorites from Quick Access.

    Now I'm afraid I will lose more data if I use Maxthon twice same time. So you don't recommend me to use it like this? I thought it's like using cloud feature. Use Maxthon in more than 1 device. In my case it's same device, PC but still...

    Can I have again my favorites? :)

    P. S. I tried to install Windows 10 in virtual machine to try it but I had problem so I decided to install Windows Server 2003, my favorite OS. My purose was to use Maxthon twice in same time, I have my resaons. :)

    P. S. 2. Now I'm regreted because I had chance to make another user to use Maxthon because I don't use it regularly in virtual machine so I'd save myself from risk. :(

    Edit: now that I lost favorites this issue is fixed:



  5. Are you sure it's better than AdMuncher? I use it for many years. fob5ezvgxdyg.gif

    Edit: thanks for reply but now I have noticed something totally accidentaly. AdMuncher is now FREE. So I'm OK with it especially it's free. And I saw AdGuard can block https links what AdMuncher can't. I tried to use both softs, AdMuncher and AdGuard but looks impossible (like 2 antiviruses) because pages not loading well. So, now I will continue with AdMuncher since it's free but who knows what happens in future. fob5ezvgxdyg.gif

  6. Thank you very much! :)

    I just saw this, how I missed it?! :loveliness:

    If you accept propositions I'd like ti see feature like when I open page using back command to send me back to quick access (like old Opera). I open let say Gmail then I hit "back" and I'm again at Quick Access. I miss only this.

