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Everything posted by Xahi4475

  1. Zork, it was even better narrow menu without shortcuts. I think users must know already or memorize those shortcuts. But, it's just me. I'm alone in this. 🤭
  2. New issue here. Can't download with Free Download Manager. It worked before alpha and beta versions. I think it's too much. If I go back to 7.2 version I'm afraid of losing again all site settings and cookies.
  3. Thanks, Ldfa, meow. For now it's working. But, will see after restart of the browser. 😉
  4. Thanks, Magdalene. Nice extension. And FB is now red. :D
  5. I don't have Gmail problem anymore. It was 2 or 3 times. Edit: I jinxed it. Now again I must log in to Gmail. 🤭 And: uBlock Origin Lite 2024.11.25.1376 The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests. Looks like this beta of Maxthon is against ad blockers? 🤭
  6. Too bad you added shortcuts in context menu (1300 build). Menu looked better without them like version 4 or 5, I forgot which one. 😆
  7. OK, I just installed Lite version, since my ADP again have problems and I keep ADP in Edge. ADP has one very good thing "block element". Thanks.
  8. What you mean? Long time I use this ad blocker or similar. It's good. Maxthon has no own ad blocker like Opera. And for Ublock Origin I read this: "This extension may soon no longer be supported because it doesn't follow best practices for Chrome extensions." Oh, and now I see my Ad Blocker Plus works fine after restart. Time to time have problems since alpha builds.
  9. I wish you told me this earlier. 🤭 P. S. Again: Adblock Plus - free ad blocker 4.9.3 The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.
  10. I confirm this. Without deleting cookies, Gmail asks to log in every time I restart.
  11. Tell me is this normal? Guest, Local account (it's same like my Maxthon and Windows account, it's continuance of previous version of Maxthon before alpha, so all settings are there) and my MX account (if I log in it, then it's like opening it for first time in new fresh Maxthon install). This is confusing. I continue with Local account, but if I add new bookmarks, change settings etc. they won't be part of MX account. Is there an way to merge Local and MX account? Always when I opened Maxthon it was automaticaly logged in my MX account without confirmation, because I decided so long time ago. These alpha versions added Local account, I think. Otherwise I never seen Local account, Only Guest and MX account. Sure, not big deal. If I add bookmark, I log in temporarily on my MX account, I add that bookmark, then log out and back to Local account. Or, maybe, just saying maybe, if I reinstall latest 7.2 version then this new beta, maybe Local account will be gone and will be normal like always with MX account. Edit: nope, no success. I gues alpha versions weren't dedicated to me. 😋 Edit: and now my experiment ruined local account too. 😂 Many cookies and settings gone, so logged in and started from 0.
  12. I confirm too. Latest alpha build too.
  13. Using latest Beta.

    1. Xahi4475


      Nope, using :D

    2. Xahi4475


      Aaaaaand now using last 5 version ( :)

  14. BugMiss006, can you guess what menus are these? They are myMX5 menus. I deleted shortkeys for Save As..., Print, Back, Forward, Refresh, Add to Maxnote etc. Only I miss F5 for Refresh but I'm fine, I use mouse guesture. Now I'm almost ready to make maxthon 5 my default browser.
  15. It's fixed? Oh, yeah I tried it. Very nice. No need to use UA IE11 anymore. Thanks, man.
  16. Hm, I understand, too bad. I will use version 4.4 until no more pages are loading with it. The only reason why I use 4.4 and not 4.9 is really stupid reason but this is how I feel better and comfortable. It's context menu, 4.9 has Chrome menu, wide long menu (included shortcuts) and 4.4 has original Maxthon narrow menu. Narrow menu is cute and comfortable or how to say. Have a great day!
  17. Maybe you could make small update for 4.4 version to fix Facebook. ;) Edit: Change User agent to IE11 and FB works but then I can't edit this post. Too bad.
  18. For my experience Maxthon has the best speed.
  19. I think you helped me too because in my MX Nitro flash wasn't OK. Now is better. Thank you!
  20. The point of JackForeigner was that Maxthon never update itself.