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Everything posted by Wilser

  1. Please, could you be more specific?
  2. The first version of the skins has been launched!
  3. The bing image that appears at the top of the popup is just a logo. To translate the selected text use the drop-down menu of the extension. When executing the extension several times. If the resource consumption rises, but this is a mistake that I will correct now Sorry in some sections of this forum extension does not work well
  4. Make sure you work in UIMain.dat UIMain.dat
  5. This translator is an alternative to standard translators built into Maxthon 5. With this extension you can automatically translate web pages into the language the browser is in without leaving the current page, you can also translate the selected text into a new tab from the drop-down menu of the extension. Supported Languages: • Chinese (Simplified) • Chinese (Traditional) • English - United Kingdom • English - United States • French - France • German - Germany • Italian - Italy • Korean - Korea • Polish - Poland • Portuguese - Brazil • Portuguese - Portugal • Russian - Russia • Spanish - Argentina • Spanish - Mexico • Spanish - Spain • Turkish - Turkey Bing Translator.mxaddon
  6. Through extensions I do not think it is possible, what if possible is to change the color of all the icons of the extensions by using skins. in skin_c_dark.css @import url(skin_c_dark_const.css); [skinDark] { style-set: "custom-skin-dark"; } @set custom-skin-dark { .quicktools .item .icon { foreground-image-transformation: colorize(red); } } in skin.css .quicktools .item .icon { foreground-image-transformation: colorize(blue); }
  7. • Of course the status bar also changes color. • If it refers to using own images as background. if possible!
  8. The Skin N ° 2 has undergone several changes and now looks better!
  9. Thank you all again for the welcome. @rick.lane @SnowLeopard Thanks for commenting and letting me know your wishes, but to make them come true, I would like to know the number of the skin they want with the eyelash bar at the bottom. @Magdalene Will be back, please be patient
  10. Customizable Skins for MX5! - If you like these "skins" click the button "I like"! Skin Alpha: Skin Macaw: Skin Mac: Skin Chrome: Skin Nitro: Downloads • All_Skins.7z • Background_Images.7z Important: Before making any changes. do not forget to make a backup of the "Start" folder and "UIHuge.dat, UIMain.dat" files located in ..\Bin\ All files must be decompressed in: Install Version: C:\Program Files (x86)\Maxthon5\Bin\ or C:\Program Files\Maxthon5\bin\ Portable Version : MaxthonPortable\Bin\
  11. Yes, but I think it's a javascript code problem.
  12. Please move this entry to the extensions section Bookmarklet: Tittle: Clear Cookies Script: javascript:void((function(){var cookie_list,sub_domain,location_pathname,cookie_index,cookie_count;cookie_count=0;cookie_list=document.cookie.split("; ");for(cookie_index=0;cookie_index<cookie_list.length&&cookie_list[cookie_index];cookie_index++){cookie_count++;for(sub_domain="."+location.host;sub_domain;sub_domain=sub_domain.replace(/^(?:\.|[^\.]+)/,"")){for(location_pathname=location.pathname;location_pathname;location_pathname=location_pathname.replace(/.$/,"")){document.cookie=(cookie_list[cookie_index]+"; domain="+sub_domain+"; path="+location_pathname+"; expires="+new Date((new Date()).getTime()-1e11).toGMTString());}}}alert("Expired "+cookie_count+" cookies");})())
  13. Wilser


    Seeing the same thing will always be boring, and more if this is a browser of a new generation ...
  14. Skins Here : http://forum.maxthon.com/index.php?/topic/21813-customizable-skins-for-mx5-28032017/
  15. Maxthon | Microsoft Edge Skin NB-FB Mod 2.8 | [AdBlock Plus] Super Quick List to Block Ads | 05/09/2015