John Farrell replied at 2014-11-17 23:40
Well, @DrakStrom look is it possible for your to guide me over to the appropriate page over XDA if ...
Galaxy Tab 2 7 is it?
Here it is!
As for Odin, It's below, You can download either but I recommend 3.07 since it's easier to understand than 3.10,
Odin 3.07
Odin 3.10
Other way is...
Find a shop that knows programming and ask him if he knows how to root and install CWM, you will pay money for that instead(Did this but he can't, just rooted on my own)
I've known root for 2 years but I only got my phone rooted after a year because of the update package being downloaded unsigned(Stupid Me XD)
Proceed with caution, If it is not the correct device reply the right one and I should find it, If you flash the incompatible CWM, You might not get your phone to turn on or can't boot, Also known as Brick, I'm already experiencing this because I already flashed 2 different CWM recovery other than the compatible one and It got bricked, Only fixes the brick by flashing the compatible CWM recovery