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Release Note6

Everything posted by migel

  1. Τhe same problems continued.
  2. Hi, I think that Google and some other sites (in my case) go into "hibernation" (i think) after 2 hours (maximum that I have set in the settings). I have also tried the option "Never put these sites into hibernation" and I have set the sites that are disconnected, but nothing. The problem with the disconnections is definitely related to the option "Hibernation tab" (i think) in the settings. I have the option disabled and it continues to disconnect.
  3. Happy New Year! The same problems apply to this version.
  4. Hi and thanks for your answer, but.... i have Maxthon portable version, (i don't have any file from Maxthon in Appdata\Local......etc, i have that you says in Folder ....USER DATA/Profile 1.......). I'll change my question, how can I delete TOO MANY files from mx://apps NOT one by one but all together.... IS IT POSSIBLE?
  5. Thanks for your answer, but i know that.... I want the folder where they are stored, because I have too many and deleting them one by one would take a lot of time.
  6. Hi, where is mx://apps? i mean where is the folder, because i have many files there and i don't know how exist here because i don't install any of this......
  7. Hello and Merry Christmas with health and happiness. None of the problems I have mentioned have been solved.
  8. I don't have that problem, YouTube opens normally for me. Have you installed any extension?? PS: look the pic.
  9. Hi. 1+2. I have try with installed clean version also and with my USER DATA folder and nothing, the problem continued gmail and other disconnected every time. 3. Thanks, and I also saw that it creates more shortcuts at the start menu of windows from every shortcut i made with maxthon. 4. Pic1 is open normal new tab Maxthon Pic2 is open anonymous new tab the same in installed version. A new problem (for me) that I discovered is that the shortcuts have gone back to the old way, i.e. they are encrypted (i.e. they do not open in any other explorer except Maxthon). In previous versions, the shortcuts were normal and opened with any explorer (Pic3).
  10. Hi, I tried the solution you suggested, it resets Maxthon and the problem remains, (luckily I made a copy of the file and re-installed it) as I have said before I have tried all the ways and with a clean installation without my BACKUP folder USER DATA and Portable without USER DATA FOLDER and Gmail and other sites every now and then asks to log in. It seems like the tabs automatically go into sleep mode although the check mark is disabled. I tried and set the longest inactivity time (2 hours) and turned off all the suggested sleep sites, also i put the gmail in sleep list and the problem remains. I don't know what else to try. EDIT: ATTENTION AFTER DELETING MY FILE 'User Data\Local State' ALL THE SHORTCUTS I HAD ON MY DESKTOP WERE BROKEN, EVEN THOUGH I RESTORED THE ORIGINAL LOCAL STATE, THE SHORTCUTS DO NOT WORK.
  11. This is the problem for Gmail <> Google and more other sites disconnects and ask for log in again and again...... i think.
  12. Hi, The problems I mentioned to you continue in this version.
  13. Hi, Today I tried the latest portable version ( (64-bit) 1212 08:56) on win x64 Ent, without the backup of my "user data" folder and also without any extensions. The problems I mentioned before apply, namely: 1. Gmail disconnects for no reason (it asks me to log in again) 2. TRANSLATION WORKS WHENEVER IT WANT (right click/translate) 3. Another annoying problem I have is when I make a shortcut (in desktop) from any page Maxthon asks me (no matter what option I click) and creates an installation in Programs and Features\Installed Programs (pic 1) This was not there in previous versions and is very annoying. 4. I still see the unspecified days the first time I open the new tab in maxthon I need to open a new tab page because I saw Continuous check-in for 0 days if I open an incognito page the selected one works fine e.g. Continuous check-in for 6 days (pic 2) None of the above fixed it. Thanks.
  14. Hi, none of the problems I have mentioned, especially the problem with the constant Google disconnections, has been resolved. Thanks.
  15. No any from the above it was corrected. Thanks.
  16. Hi, Another problem I have is when I make a shortcut from any page, Maxthon asks me (pic011) and creates an installation in Programs and Features\Installed Programs (pic012). This did not exist in previous versions and is very annoying. Thanks.
  17. Hi, same here for a long time, i need to open anonymous new tab (new tab NO WORK) to see the the continues dates.
  18. Hi, Right click Translate in Greek No Work, (Google Translate extension/translate this page work fine). Thanks.
  19. Me not only every restart but I constantly have gmail open in a tab and after a while it logs out and asks me to log in again with passwords. It continues to do so from the previous version. The strange thing is that it disconnects from gmail (mail.google.com) and google news (news.google.com), e.g. it never disconnects from youtube as well as other sites i am connected to..
  20. No crashed..... disconnects gmail without reason.
  21. Hi, The problem continues with Google accounts (gmail, google news etc.) disconnect for no reason, and with Maxthon open and open/close Maxthon.
  22. Hi migel, have feedback to the development team for them to check on it. It's not just gmail that loses the passwords, but something is happening with all the Google accounts and the passwords are lost for no reason after a few hours of Maxthon being open and not when I close Maxthon as I thought.