Dardwizzle replied at 2015-2-20 05:29
Hi Odysse,
I never intended for this to go off topic. I just don't appreciate being talked down to ...
It's odd that kuerig.com is displayed mirrored in ultra mode, I can certainly confirm. The problem does not, however, appear in retro mode, at least for me. May I ask how it is displayed in IE on your machine? If there is a problem in IE than M4 will also have the problem in retro. Is it also mirrored? Are you sure you used retro mode?
Anyway here is an image of keurig.com being displayed in retro on IE11.0 Win8.1.
P.S. By the way, M4 remembers the mode per site, by using the mode of the last tab closed of that particular site.
P.S.S. The reason people are asked to remain on topic is that the thread is more helpful for people that do search by remaining concise.